Next Hosta Password

Washington, DC(Zone 7a)

Two words.


(Zone 4b)


no wait, that's tiG's guess

how 'bout Blue Hawaii?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)


Washington, DC(Zone 7a)

Okay, I'm not getting any play here. Must not have been an adequate clue.

Second clue: Bogie

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Dark Victory

Washington, DC(Zone 7a)

Yeah, tiG. Gee, that was way too easy. Should I have said Bette Davis, instead? Or did you do a net search?


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

;) I'll never tell. how about going for me, I won't be on a lot today and would hate to leave someone hanging. would you mind?

Washington, DC(Zone 7a)

Surely you aren't asking ME to go for you. First of all, I really wracked my brain to come up with the last one, and, secondly, it turned out to be too easy. Someone else up for it?


(Zone 4b)

oh sure, I have a day off and no one posts a game for me to play.
pupper / going to help nanook look for Clark Kent and a phone book.

psssst ya think 'the kid' knows who Clark Kent is?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

okay, I'm here for a bit pupper, I'll do a wheel, don't want to mess up a password, but please win, so you can do another password, and I make sure I have the game down right!!! don't go far!

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