Delaying flowering

Athens, PA

My type 3's are just starting to flower. It seems to be quite early this year. I had hoped that they would all be in full bloom by the end of July as I am going to have a houseful then and I really want my gardens looking good.

I am wondering if I pinched the buds off my type 3's if I would have flowering at the end of July. My concern is that if I pinch all the buds off, that perhaps I won't get any clematis flowers this year.

Your thoughts?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How about pinching just half and maybe you'll get a longer bloom period that might coincide with your company?

Athens, PA


I did think about that and I may end up doing just that. I just won't get the bushiness of the flowers that way. I do like a big explosion of color. I was just out in the garden and I was surprised to see that Pagoda is really starting as well as Comtesse Bouchaud. I will obviously need to deal with it this weekend.

Thanks for the input.

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