Rain and Gnats

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Aloha, I'm Ang and I'm from Puget Sound. I come from a long line of gardeners. At 28 years old I'm only on my second year of gardening. I'm strictly a container garden and opted to really give it a go this year. Despite this years wacky weather I'm still determined to succeed. I've lost a few plants but thanks to this website and using the internet or books, I'm finding ways to solve these problems.

My first problem was wind and I lost a few herbs to that but my dad helped me put up a wind barrier. I picked a light colored fabric that will still send some wind through but not the full force that has been killing certain vegetables. So far it's helping a lot. Both my tangerine sage and bee balm had perked up after this, plus some care (pruning bad leaves, removing buds.)

Then I noticed some of my plants were drooping. I've cut back on my watering due to the rain despite the fact I have a covered deck, although I made sure my bee balm's soil didn't dry out completely. The past couple of days it has either been real nice or real muggy so I took the time to inspect my plants. I found several had loads of fungus gnats flying around. I put a layer of sand on the florals and herbs, then I watered them with a peroxide mix after reading that on here. My pineapple sage has completely uncurled and my bee balm is looking better too! My dad was really amazed.

I was all thrilled about the improvement until I saw this coming (in the picture.) That is rain coming.

Thumbnail by tikipod
Redmond, WA

Sounds like you nipped that gnat problem in the bud... I wish I had known about the sand/peroxide thing when I first started sowing seeds indoors. I had the worst gnat problem ever, yellow sticky notes covered with molasses didn't make a dent..

The good news is that it looks like we're finally going to get a good spell of dry weather this coming week... looking forward to that!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Welcome, ang. It's good to have you here. We're looking forward to seeing and hearing more about you and your family and garden as the summer progresses.

Don't forget to check out our other threads. And feel free to pipe in any time you want to. We're happy to increase our numbers in this forum!

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes, welcome, and join in the fray.

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