Have a ton of Celosia Plumosa Mix seed for SASBE

Elk River , MN(Zone 4b)

I have way too many Celosia Plumosa seeds that I would ever use so giving away to anyone for SASBE. I have 25 packs of at least 60 seeds avail. Dmail me with how many you would like.

Elk River , MN(Zone 4b)

A few packs being sent out, still have many more! Maybe I will help build up the Newbie fund.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

You could also save some for the piggie swap. It is in the cottage gardening forum just before Christmas, you'll see lots of posts about it. I did it for the first time last year, lots of fun. You can send up to 10 packs of any single type of seed plus as many as people request. You send all of your seeds and money or stamps for postage to one very generous soul who volunteers to host the swap. All of your new seeds come back in one box. The great people in the group share advise on how to start and save the seeds. I like celosia, but have some pink ones started already. Hope they get big enough to bloom this year (I thought the same thing last year, but they bloomed)

Elk River , MN(Zone 4b)

That is a great idea! I have a few different seeds that I bought in bulk type thing and is way too much when I try to collect seeds from what I grow from them (what the critters don't feast on).
Thanks for the ideas.

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