Hydrangea petiolaris on Cedar....

Lost City, WV

On Jun 10, 2010, twogoldies from Lost City, WV wrote:

I live in eastern WV in Zone 6 1/2. I planted climbing hydrangea on the east side of my cedar home over a decade ago and it has grown into a spectacular specimen.

The original planting went up a stone chimney but has since spread out over the cedar.

My question is whether the rootlike holdfasts that attach the vine might damage the cedar.

I could cut it back off the cedar to contain it to the stone or just leave it on the cedar, assuming the holdfasts will not do serious damage to the wood.

Any suggestions and/or recommendations are most welcome. I really don't want to cut it back, but also don't want to deal with large scale damage to my siding.

Crossville, TN

Twogoldies, I have no idea how to answer your question...but since I read the New Subscribers list here every day...and being from WV (Beckley) AND going to be there to visit all next week...WHERE is Lost City? I know Coal City...and all around Lewisburg...but have never heard of your town. LOL Jo

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