Trained Trout

Mentor, OH

A game warden suspected a locally known poacher was fishing before the trout season legally opened. One afternoon he hid in the bushes by the lake and a while later sees the poacher walking up the path toward him carrying a bucket full of trout. The warden steps from behind a tree and tells the poacher he is getting a citation. The poacher says "No, you don't understand.These trout are my pets. I bring them from home everyday and dump them into the lake and let them swim for exercise since they are in such a small pond at home. When it's time to leave I set the bucket by the water and give a signal and they jump back into the bucket and we go home". The warden can't believe the guy thinks he's dumb enough to believe a story like that. They walk back down to the lake and the poacher dumps the fish into the lake to prove his point. He sets the bucket by the edge of the water and after a while the warden says"Well?" The poacher says 'Well what"? The warden says "When are you going to call them back"? the poacher says "Call who back'? The warden says "The fish"? The poacher says "WHAT FISH"?

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