Clematis in bloom

McMinnville, TN

This is 1 of my clematis that is several years old; it didn't bloom this year until it climed to the top of the old frame that you can hang a swing from. It didn't bloom down low on its tender vine seems like each year it climbs higher like it is looking for something that it can't see down low.
This is my 1st time to post a picture at Davesgarden and I am happy to share my photos with someone other than on ebay!

Thumbnail by BoopsieTN
McMinnville, TN

Here is another of my clematis that is planted atleast 5 feet from the 1st picture I posted, it did bloom down low and then decided to bloom up higher. If it keeps getting any higher next year I will need a ladder to see the beautiful purple blooms.

Thumbnail by BoopsieTN
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You need to "HARD PRUNE" your clematis for it is a pruning group 3..that is why you are seeing blooms at the top and not the bottom for they bloom on new vines growing during the season...Jeanne

McMinnville, TN

Thanks so much, if fall the best time to prune them back?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

If it has already bloomed..then go ahead and hard prune to about 12" from the soil or above the lowest viable leaf axil..Clematis are usually hardpruned in late winter/early Spring or to calibrate for your personal zone "when the Forstyhias are in bloom" or the same time you "prune your roses" and never forget to fertilize with either rose or tomato fertilizer.. one with a higher middle number the "P" in the N-P-K ratio...With longer growing seasons like us Southerners we can easily get two-three bloom cycles by repeating this after they finish their bloom cycle...Hope this helped...Jeanne

McMinnville, TN

Thanks so much, I will give your advice a try!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

What is the name of your clematis? Did I miss that in your posting? She's a beauty!

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