Diving goat

Mentor, OH

Two guys are hunting on a farmer's property when they come upon a huge hole in the ground. They can't see the bottom of this hole and wonder how deep it might be. One hunter suggests they throw something in the hole and listen to see how long it takes to hit the bottom. Looking around, the only thing they can find is an old transmission someone has dumped.They carry the transmission to the hole,drop it in and stand listening. Suddenly there is the sound of brush breaking and out of the woods comes a goat headed straight toward them. The hunters jump out of the way and the goat dives head first into the hole. The hunters are trying to figure out what just happened when the farmer walks up and asks if they've seen his goat. One hunter says"Funny you should ask. We were standing right here when a goat comes tearing out of the woods and dives into this hole". The farmer replies "Oh, that couldn't have been my goat. My goat was on a long rope tied to a transmission".

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