
Hamilton, OH

I hope this works, i have Blooms, This is Joli, I am amazed how dark pink it is for Spring


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

I am so excited about having blooms, here's another one

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

We went from cold and wet to hot and dry. We lost a lot of cutting over the Winter and a lot of the ones we had planted in the ground did not come back. Seeing others posting pictures of their blooms gives me hope. Thanks Elizabeth, they are beautiful.

Hamilton, OH

how have you been? I am glad you like my Pic's it's good too see you. I am sorry too hear you have lost some, if there's anything I can do too help just let me know


, WI

Very pretty Elizabeth... Waiting on a few here to bloom. Happy brug season!

Hamilton, OH

it's good too see you, I have my fingers crossed for you that you have Blooms soon


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, your blooms are beautiful, and look at all that healthy foliage! I can hardly wait to see blooms on mine. Thanks for sharing your great pics!

Hamilton, OH

I am glad you popped in, I was hoping you would, that is just the start of the Blooms, I have several with Buds, P&C should bloom any day now, I hope you get Blooms
soon, I'll be excited with you, when yours does


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I look forward to seeing pics of all your blooms Elizabeth.I just came in from the back yard. There must be a million lightning bugs out there tonight.Makes me feel like a kid again, just watching them.Elizabeth, have you taken any pics of the kitties?

Hamilton, OH

I will take Pic's of the kittens tommorrow, you won't belive how cute they all are, my DD wants to keep them all, so does the GD, they will be ready too eat food in about 3 more weeks, if we lived in the country, I would get them all fixed & keep them


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I bet they are adorable.I think they are so cute when they get to the size where they play and run sideways at each I didn't have the dogs, I'd take one off your hands..I do love critters.

Hamilton, OH

when you see their sweet little faces, you'll fall in llove with them, I am just so glad that they all made it, I think these were full term, the others I don't think were
would you believe it's already June, time sure fly's weather you're having fun or not, I spayed everything down with MG today, finally the Brugs are growing so fast

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I fertilized everything with MG this morning too.Are any of your petunias blooming yet.Mine are just starting.I haven't planted many annuals this some red salvia for the hummers..just haven't had the time.But, I sure do miss all the instant color. It will be better, once the geraniums that I carried over in pots and the petunias put out more blooms. I want to start some seeds of some of the common perennials, this summer, and lots of I will have lots of color next summer.I need somethings to get me thru, til the brugs start blooming.

Hamilton, OH

all the petunia's are doing great, I need too take Pic's of those two, so you can see how well they're doing, I put them in my square concrete planter on the Porch, so they could cascade down, when they're in Bloom you'll be proud of them, they are filling out nicely, I will also post a Pic of the honeysuckle bush, the red one it's all in Bloom also, I have seen one hummer already, it was too fast,or I would've gotten a Pic of it, I have a bunch of Geraniums also for instant color, my star gazer lilly's are in Bloom, the prickly pear is amazing this year


Hamilton, OH

Girl, i am going too call it a night, I hope you're back on tommorrow night, have a good night's rest


Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

Elizabeth I am so gald to see u posting..have a couple of cutting (rooted ) I need to send u..let me know when its a goos time to send


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I am so envious of your blooms mine have not even set buds yet except for Autumn Treasure, she is on her third flush, the others are not even showing signs of getting buds, we have been getting so much rain, and not very warm temps.

Hamilton, OH

anytime is a good time, is there anything that you need? just let me know if there is, it's good too see you also, i hope you're having a great day


Hamilton, OH

good morning, I put my Brugs in the ground the first of April, I know at the time I was pushing the zone, it's good too see you, by the end of the month you'll notice a big difference in your Brugs, keeping my fingers crossed for you


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I put some of mine in the ground two years ago but I had over 100, and it was such a chore digging them up again, now I have about twenty, all in large pots that I drag in for the winter, but this year I am only keeping the doubles or trips.

Hamilton, OH

I think that's a great idea, save yourself some work, I am thinking of doing the same thing myself, just keep the best one's


Hamilton, OH

here is the kittens, I took several Pic's but this one shows all five, my DD was holding them for me


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

here's another of the fuzzy one for some reason you can't see it in the other Pic it is just the sweetest littleone


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

Elizabeth I am still looking for Harlot and any of the angel NOL

Hamilton, OH

I can send you Harlot, & NOL, I just have too wait for payday, I still have your addy, Angels Exotic will have too wait awhile, it just lately started growing well, I have a problem with earwigs, I have too check my Brugs everyday, just as soon as the leave's get growing, here come the pest


Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

Elizabeth here I am having problems with grasshoppers..
do u have or want Pink Charm ?


Hamilton, OH

I think I already have Pink Charm, Grasshopper's are a pain, I usually get them in August, isn't it early for them? what we really need too find is a LangenBuscher's Garten, it's suppose to be so much easier too Bloom than HHG, but still is Orange, I lost that one over the winter, all the one's that you sent me are doing great
i have a couple that I had too spray with forbid, not the one's you sent, some I already had, the leaves looked funny, Golden Lady & Angels moonlight


Hamilton, OH

I hope you're on here this evening, here is my Red honeysuckle, I wish the Pic were lighter


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

oh my goodness that is a to die for honeysuckle..just beautiful..
Elizabeth we have had grass hoppers for over a month spray them once a week..the leaves on my plants look like lace on some of them.

Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

Elizabeth I brought LangenBuscher's Garten from Eddie last month he send me a good size cutting..I will cut the cutting in half and root it for u..than I will send you Mt. Treasure, Damian plus LangenBuscher's u have Lugers wingsong and sara Lynn I can sen those also..let me know

This message was edited Jun 9, 2010 10:12 PM

This message was edited Jun 9, 2010 10:15 PM

Hamilton, OH

good morning, Thank you, that Honeysuckle is over 3yrs old, Ouch Grasshoppers for over a month, they drive me bonkers also, I would love LangenBushcer's Garten
I have Lugers wingsong in a cross, Sara Lynn sounds nice, mountain Treasure is one I have been looking for also, June 28th, I can send out your plants, I have a few more Brugs that have Buds right now so I will be posting lots of Pic's when they do


Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

Can send u Lugerwingsong if u like..could I ask for a cutting of the honeysuckle going to go and see if I can find it for sale on the net..

Hamilton, OH

that Honeysuckle is the hardest plant I have ever tried too root, I took some of the new growth put it in peatmoss, it's just sitting there doing nothing, it was green cuttings, I will look at Lowes too see if they have it marked down, so I can share it with you, our Lowes has different things than yours does I am sure, I will make sure you have it before the years over, they have some great things marked down by the end of summer, they are 5 minutes away from me, so I go there often, I would love Lugerwindsong if U have extra, girl you have some that I have never heard of, I just got my lawn Mowed, yippee, it took me all of 10 minutes, I have a lot instead of a yard, but within the next 5 yrs, i will have an acre, a lot more Brugs & a biggger GH, I will have this house for sale, that's why I keep it nice, i sure hope the market is better

Brownstown, IN

Beautiful pictures of your blooms! YEAH!!!!! You go girl!
The kittens are sooo cute!
Thank you for posting them!

Hamilton, OH

I am so glad, you got too see my Pic's, i hope your having a great day, I ran out mowed my lawn, it took me all of 5 minutes, here's another pic of Dorthea Blooming
it finally did it's thing


Hamilton, OH

This is Dorthdea looking good

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another one of Dorthea, the fragrance is amazing


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

I do hope you get too see this, another Pic of Dorthea


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Dorthea is a pod sister to Wild and Crazy and I believe is of German heritage. A friend named it for his wife, you go Pete. I miss the old Brug crowd.

Brownstown, IN

Dorthea is another really pretty bloom!
Im so jealous! I want to.....need to have that fragrance again! LOL
Thanks for posting those!
Great job!


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