Disease on Jade Plant

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

A friend of mine is having a problem with his indoor jade plant. Below is his description of what is happening to it, along with pictures.

"Ok, here is the problem with the jade. The leaves start with a black scab. Then after about a week or so it gets a white fuzzy to the top of the leaves and the leaves drop a short time later. The plant has dropped more than half of it's leaves. I have attached a couple of photos.

This plant has been in the same location in the house for many years - at least 6 - I have not changed my care or watering schedule with this guy for years without any problems. I have another jade just below this plant and it too has just started to show signs of the same thing. I figure that it is a fungus of some kind."

Does anyone know what this might be and how to treat it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Picture #1

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Picture #2

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think it is s fungus of some kind. I have some black scabs that appeared on my jade in late winter/ early spring but haven't progressed any further. Around that time I moved mine to a shaded/ am sun outdoor spot There may be two different diseases; the scab and the white fuzz. There may be a spray, or you/he can cut off all the diseased parts and let it grow new leaves.
That Jade looks like its not getting as high a light situation as it might like. If its been in the same sitution for 6 years, then it is almost surely in need of a repotting. I think it would recover fine after a major repotting, trimming off long stems and getting rid of most of the old dirt. Will look bad at first but probably looks pretty bad right now LOL, but will grow new leaves from leaf scars. Very easy to start a new cutting. Personally I would take cuttings, start new plants, and get rid of the old.
As this is typically a houseplant, you may get more help on the indoor plant forum (if this one doesn't pan out)

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you for your response. I am sorry I am so late in posting but I have been sick with a rotten summer cold for over a week.

He did re-pot the jade a couple of years ago. He only waters once a month so he doesn't think it is getting too much water but I suggest he check the roots for rot anyway. He doesn't have anyplace to put it outside where it will be protected from rain and the summer rains have been terrible this year.

He has started some new cuttings just to be safe. I will send him your reply and also post in the succulent forum.

Thanks again.

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