New bees chit chat - come on in!! 06/07/2010

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Summer is here! Tell us what's going on in your garden...

Any links you all want me to add to this let me know!

We came from here...

Come on in...

Direction for free seeds for newbies here...

Newbies that get lost and found here...

Lasagna Beds for newbies here...

Thumbnail by locakelly
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you for the new thread kelly ;-) Wow, I am the first one to post.. that's never happened before!

Castlewood, SD

Howdy .. thanks for the new thread !!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks Kelly! We needed that, lol!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning,
Power just came back on!! Maine and power outages, they seem to go hand in hand!!
This one is called voltage!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Goodmorning all.. Hope everyone is feeling lovely today...I miss my camera so much.. Left it out in the rain one day after working in the irises.. waaaa...Maybe after the great state of Arkansas sends me my state refund I can buy a new one.. Im on my way out to the yard to make a new flower bed around a lg piece of petrified wood I buried in the ground to look like an old tree stump..Maybe it wont look to dumb when im done with it..Hope you all have a great day talk soon Trish

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh no Trish, I would be lost, lost without my camera...

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Morning all! Goodness, no camera, no power, all kinds of things some are doing without! I don't have a very good camera, but would still be lost without it! And no power throws everything off! But, hard to cook and clean without it, so not all bad, teehee!
Anybody have any great ideas for vines, preferably flowering, for shade in zone 4? Need something to climb a couple of trellis just off the patio, and would love an idea or two. It's pretty protected, other than the dogs walking thru, but they don't get too close to the trellis wall, so should be safe from them.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Skell I adore my Clem vines!! All colors and sizes oh here is a picture of one!!

Thumbnail by arejay59

Nice pictures ladies. Sorry about the power outage up there. Ours does that at times, but usually only with the winter snow or ice storms or when it's cold as the north pole and I have a greenhouse operating on power.That is when OURS goes off. Sun was hot already at 7:00am this morning. Needless to say, I'm hugging the air again today. Suppose to be around 88 today plus humidity.
Had 2 water lilie blooms this morning on a different plant, thought I'd take a picture of them. The fish thought I was coming to feed them, so had to do that too.

Thumbnail by mekos

Big Boy here is about a foot long. He rules the pond.

Thumbnail by mekos

Little red cap fish.

Thumbnail by mekos

A couple little red colored gold fish. We do have babies in there but hard to see them when the bigger ones are feeding! They hide.

Thumbnail by mekos

One of my gardenia bushes.

Thumbnail by mekos

My purple Magnolia with another round of blooms coming on. It blooms about every 4-6 weeks all summer long.

Thumbnail by mekos
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice pictures Mekos and arejay. It's supposed to be in the mid 90's today with high humidity so I don't know what I'll be doing outside today. Glad the power is back on for you arejay. Sorry about your camera huney. I would be so lost without mine. I don't know if you have a Best Buy near you but they usually have good prices on HP cameras. Or there's always WalMart.

Well, my in-laws will be here tonight. They are moving here from OR to be near us just up the street. We bought a couple of places for them to stay (near Joe) where they could have super cheap rent and have more money to live on. They haven't rented in years and years so it will be different for them but we keep telling them to treat it like it's their own. It will be nice to have them so close to us.
Have to go over and mop the floors and finish cleaning up the place and mow the lawn. Then I need to get back here and do my floors and bathrooms and then take Courtney to sing tonight. So I have lots to do today. You can see that I am still sitting here typing away about nothing at all so you must guess that I am procrastinating! lol Have a good day everyone ;-)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Great pics ladies!

Robin - Mom and Brandon landed in Presque Isle this morning. Brandon called to tell me it was "freezing" - it was 54°. It was 108° last night when they left - lol.

Mekos - love that gardenia! Mine is potted and I so love the smell. If I ever dare to plant it in the ground I hope it looks like yours!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

It is cold here today or seems to be anyway!! THank You Michelle
Someone I wish I could remember who so I could show them the blossoms sent me this she said it was from Sweden isnt it pretty!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Your Oxalis is pretty Robin! A DG friend here gave me a little bulb last year and it's already spreading quite nicely.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hello to you all.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

Thanks everyone! I love my fish and my gardenia bushes. I have about 5-6 right now in ground huge and smelling so nice. My mail lady came today and could smell them all the way to the road so I gave her the last 2 bushes I had rooted in a pot, they were blooming too. She gave me white butterfly ginger last fall along with a couple other people and I have several popped up and looking good. My gloriosa lilies have buds on them and sure hope I get blooms soon.
Nice pink Arejay. I have the white blooms on mine and one with white blooms and dark purple leaves.
Woo-Hoo Charleen. love yours too.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Whats the trouble Miss Kelly....losing threads? Next youll be losing time!!!!!! Lolol

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Nah Robin - you are the time traveller extraordinaire - lol...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

you are rite behind me its good to have you aboard!!

AREJAY is making snickerdoodles everyone. We're all going to Maine to have dinner with her. She is going to plant me in her bog garden.

Castlewood, SD

Cool... Hope she has a big enough one to bury me in tooooo !! ;-) oops..I mean

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yeah!! Are you almost here????

We are pulling up right now. I'm ready for some snickerdoodles! Long trip.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Nice pictures everyone! I love that oxalis! Wish I could find one here in pink that would handle the cold winters! But then I wish I could get gardenias and magnolias too! Although I did buy a magnolia this spring, so we will see how it does. I always want something that doesn't think it should grow here, lol! I think I am going to try another wisteria again, tho. They are so pretty! Zone pushing deluxe again, teehee! Oh!! And my little CP's came in the mail today! They are so cute! Thanks!!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

You could always grow the Oxalis in pots and bring it inside in the winter. They grow well in pots!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I seem to always have a hard time with house plants! But I may just try that, just cause I really like them. And Robin, thanks for the idea on the clems! Don't know why I didn't think of that, cuz I've wanted a white one for quite a while now, and the white ones like shade, (if I remember that correctly). And a Pinky, I love that one too!

Booneville, AR

ok i made it thanks a bunch nettie

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

WooHoo! Glad that you made it Nettie! By the way, Nettie was my great grandmother's name! She was an awesome person, and really really smart! I am so fortunate to have been able to live close to her growing up. Just wish that I had been smarter and asked more questions of her!

Booneville, AR

mekos how do i get blondie to grt me some pitcher plants. nettie

Well, Nettie, next time I talk to her, I'll tell her you want some. I'll e-mail her today and when she gets time to get on the computer and e-mail me back, I'll ley you know.

Good morning all. Starting out nice today. Sun is shining and gentle breeze out there. Glad I'm in Maine with Arejay this week. It is suppose to be 96 Saturday and Sunday with HIGH humidity.Thursday 92, Friday94 Sat.96, Sunday 96, and Monday92 again.
Robin's pond feels pretty good this morning! We're going to Moose Lagoon later today to explore. She is such a great host. If we don't get back soon, you guys come looking for us!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We are going to see Arejay In a wagon pulled by Charley, my Wondermule. got a whole crowd on there.
Mekos is bribing Charley with Mojitoes and Sammiches not to mention a load of hay on her Truck. We got us a convoy via the internet going.
So much fun.

Don't know what happened to "SOME OF US," BUT " SOME OF US" got here YESTERDAY. It seems" SOME OF US" are in jet lag!
"Some of us" are at Moose Lagoon right now!!!! ( Blinking eyes wildly! )

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Moose Lagoon!! But it is Moose pond. What state are you in?

I'm in snickerdoodle and mojitos state! Woo-Hoo!!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Just popped in real fast to say hello.. bust helping the InLaws get the moving trucks unloaded. Did my morning new daylily ritual. Will share new pics ater or tmrw. HAGD everyone!

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