Spent the weekend doing what?!

Hallowell, ME

DW and I went to Vermont. Annual trek to Cady's Falls Nursery in Morrisville. Spent Friday night in Stowe and visited nurseries Saturday. Came away with 2 sedums, a white lady slipper, and a saxifraga. Next went to Perennial Pleasures Nursery and Tea Garden in East Hardwick where we picked up a euphorbia and an unusual honeysuckle vine (round leave with the flower in the middle resembling a tiny bunch of bananas. Actuall the leaves (2) are opposite which totally makes a circle. Anyway had a good time. Cady's Falls gardens are a must see though if you get up that way. Not huge but definitely well layed out with a great variety of plants.

Thomaston, CT

Sounds like a nice weekend, Frank. I babysat my grandkids on Sat. & my Mom & sister came for their usual Sunday dinner today....my bathroom has only one wall painted! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Oh sounds lovely Frank. A white lady's slipper sounds really nice as does your new honeysuckle. Not much doing around here. Some weed pulling and deadheading. Some of the grandkids came over and picked some strawberries with grandma and petted the lambs ear and silver mound artemesia yesterday. That's about it.

This message was edited Jun 6, 2010 4:34 PM

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, very nice, Frank. I love euphorbias, sedum and lady slippers.

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

One of these days I'm going to get over to Cady's Falls. I've been hesitant because I have a feeling I'll want one of everything! :)

Oh, and they are infamous for not taking credit cards, so if anyone ever goes, make sure to bring your checkbook.

And sounds like such a lovely weekend, Frank! congrats on the new plants.

Hallowell, ME

I agree on the check book at Cady's Falls, that said they are nice folks. Also you probably would want one of everything. It is well organized and it is hard to pass things up. There were several other plants we wanted but we had a budget to stick to. Still ended up going over a little though (lol).

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Went into NYC on the train and visited the Science Museum and saw the planetarium show on Sunday. Got two of my rain barrels set up on Saturday and put in collards and cabbage and some plum tomatoes bought from the plant guy. Looks like my $40 Bolivian Yacon is dead. Sigh.

I was bland = dogging rain bullets.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Sorry to hear that about Yacon Yank, but sounds like you had a nice weekend.

I planted today...
6 brussell sprouts, 6 cauliflower, 12 broccoli, 2 zuccini, 2 summer squash, 1 rosemary, 1butternut squash and 1 acorn squash.

Planted Last week:
Carrots ~ 4 rows nantes
Radish ~ 1 row
8 Mixed Peppers
Salad Mix Lettuce ~ 2 rows
Chefs Blend Lettuce ~ 2 rows
Green Leaf ~ 1 row
3 roma tomato
3 beefsteaks
3 spoon
1 brandywine
3 kinds of Taters
3 kinds of Corn ~ 18 rows
Pea's ~ 3 rows
4 Green Dragon Cukes
4 Straight 8's
4 Marketmore
2 Howden Pumkins
Red Onions ~ 1 row
White Onions ~ 1 row

Still have to go:
6 Watermelon
6 Cantaloupe
Swiss Chard ~ 4 rows
Pumpkins ~ 10 more (have 5 grandchildren and last year was not a good year...not taking any chances thie year ^_^)
Gourds ~ 3 kinds
Wax Beans ~ 1 row
Green Beans ~ 1 row
Beets ~ 1 row

This message was edited Jun 7, 2010 4:27 PM

Thomaston, CT

Wow----feeding the town, Pixie?

Hallowell, ME

Wow Pixie. Busy, busy! I stopped growing corn a few years back as the squirrels would tear it up. But I am trying again this year as DW loves cotc. It's already up to. Planted it over Memorial Day weekend along with all my squashes and beans and cukes. Everything is up we just need some decent warm weather.

Unless I am not awake - its 40 degress out there. Pepper plants dont like that!

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

great list celeste - only 10 t's and 12 cukes - thought you planted more than that?

Thomaston, CT

Peppers, tomatoes & squash do not like those temps....it's in the 50's here, & I'm not too happy.

I am with you!

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Last weekend, graduation- this weekend, party.

South Hamilton, MA

Last weekend at & returning from the Am. Iris society convention--this coming one, continuing trying to get rid of the weeds & grass which arrived during our week of absence.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

weeds are growing fast and furious here too - just weeded the whole yard a week ago and you would never know it.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Bill I gave some to the kids so maybe they will learn to grow on their own. lol
I usually have 18-24 matos & cukes but with the wedding this year...I don't need the extra work. Last year(wedding again) I couldn't keep up and plus they tore my yard up with new well and roof...I never caught up. So this spring I have had to be at it as much as possible and im still not caught up. I turn 50 in a few weeks and decided as a gift to myself, not to beat myself up anymore than I have to....this body needs to last another 20 years at least!!! ^_^

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

sure, sure - your resting up to beat victor and i in the big race:)

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

LOL! How'd ya know??

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

What big race?

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

cat you know how those NY'rs are big talkers will the gimp from upper hudson river valley thinks he is as fast with his feet as he is with his wit:) if we ever meet and he does not need a walker he has challanged me to a foot race. all the trash talk is on another thread somewhere and has seeped here.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Yank on this thread http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1099735/#new
starting at post Post #7870313 and read down. ^_^

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Canes and walkers at 50 paces!

This message was edited Jun 10, 2010 10:35 AM

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

With messed up knee and all, I beat my older son's entire class in a race last year! How many 46 yr olds can beat all the 10 yr olds? ^_^

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i hope every 46 yr old can beat a bunch of little kids.

Hallowell, ME

Can't believe you guys and the snake thing. You should have caught him and caged him up or put him down in your cellar where the mice come in. DW is scared to death of them so I have to watch for them and either scare them away or catch and release over the banking. Haven't seen any so far this year. Either way I'd love to see you guys race. Definitely have to have pics of that!!!!

I smoke so dont count me in unless last place is 1st.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh, you'd see smoke coming from me...

Hallowell, ME

From which orifice vic?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

A little personal, eh Frank??

Hallowell, ME

Couldn't resist, Vic!

Thomaston, CT

This weekend, finally finishing bathroom project, & going to Boojum's to look at her gorgeous flowers!

Hallowell, ME

Went flower shopping again today. Picked up Jacobs Ladder 'Apricot Delight'; Salvia 'Friesland'; Catmint 'Pink Cat' for my front bed and a couple of sedums for my sedum/echivera garden. Got everything planted and even trenched my sedum bed! Got some more stuff to move tomorrow.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

That Jacobs Ladder sounds lovely!

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a nice haul Frank. Sounds like you got a lot done. The weather here has been crummy and wet, not much good for anything really except slug hunting which I did and got about a dozen that stayed too long at the party. They will never dance again. ^_^

Hallowell, ME

Speaking of slugs. I killed one today that looked like a small piece of poop - black! Seems like we have a lot of snails too this year. DW found two on a rose bush and I've found several on my asparagus! Haven't had the snail problem before. Fed veggies today and did some deadheading. Cloudy and humid.
Pixie - lovely couple you have to be so proud. I hope they have a nice, harmonous life together.
As to the Jacobs Ladder. I picked it up at the Urban Nursery in Topsham and there were several left if your interested.

This message was edited Jun 13, 2010 2:19 PM

Thomaston, CT

I bought one several years ago...love it.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

DD's grad party.

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