Build a Double-Decker Drum Composter for Serious Composting

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 4b)

Found via LifeHacker ( ):

You'll need two food-grade barrels, some 4x4 posts, galvanized pipe, and access to a workshop with some basic power tools like a circular saw and drill. When you're done you'll have a composting station that offers easy compost mixing, keeps animals out, and helps accelerate your trip from kitchen scraps to gardening gold. Check out the full tutorial at the link below for step-by-step instructions.

The full article's at a site called Instructables ( ). It might be helpful to modify the design for added leverage by attaching some kind of handle or fixed wheel to the end of each pole, since a 55 gallon drum full of moist compost weighs a helluva lot and can be difficult to turn.

Keep in mind that a tumbler design is not a magical route to instant compost. Like all designs, it has its advantages and its drawbacks. Take a look through the "compost bin comparison" tag for a reality check ...

... or go for brute force and wade into the forums with a search for the term "compost tumbler" ( ).

Thumbnail by PuddlePirate
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Pirate--Thanks for posting, thats interesting and ingenious and economical for sure compared to the real deal.
But you're right to caution that its not fool proof like even this author wants to imply..and yeah you will need leverage to turn those least something to grab.

People don't realize too that in winter this thing is totally surrounded by cold air, instead of a ground pile which will have some ground warmth.

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