Mislabeled Co-op iris

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

So I know someone else here had to have participated in the eflowergarden iris co-op a year or two ago. Anyone? I have been trying to identify about half of them, which didn't turn out to be what they were supposed to. This one came with a 'Superstition' tag...clearly is not. I have searched and searched and can't come up with a more likely name. It's driving me nuts! Closest I can get is 'Star Surge' but I don't think that's it.

Did anyone else get this iris from the co-op, or maybe did anyone get a proper id on it?

Thumbnail by art_n_garden
Bakersfield, CA

This is STAR SURGE and I think it's too burgundy and pretty much the same color all over, whereas yours has that nice purple flush in the fall centers. I like yours, and I hope someone will recognize it.

Thumbnail by Betja
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

I hope so too! Thanks for posting your picture - it's such a pretty iris.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

It sure is a pretty one, hope someone can name it. Can you go back to the threads that you were posting about the coop on whenever it was? Maybe there is more information that you could find about what plants were sent, etc.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

That's a good suggestion caitlin! I'll go back and look.

Although, now that I go out and look, the clump still has its original 'Superstition' tag still on it so I know for sure that it's their goof. But maybe someone else posted to the co-op page with a similar problem. Thanks!

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Or if you know where the iris came from you could contact them? They might be able to id it from the photo. eflowergarden? Is that their name?

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)


Try this page. It lists the flowers everyone ordered. Was this the coop you ordered from?

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

In one of the threads about the co-op, a bunch of other people said that a lot of their's were wrong as well. Someone contacted the seller and he said more or less, sorry it was the vendor's fault not mine so I can't help you. So they sure aren't any help! lol

Mine doesn't really look like any they were selling in that coop - http://www.eflowergarden.com/CO-OP/Bearded_Iris_CoOp.htm
here's the page set up for the co-op and the only thing remotely like mine is Rosalie Figge..but no. The search continues.

Thumbnail by art_n_garden
Kansas City, MO

Just as a suggestion. I am finding that some of the misnamed Iris I have gotten over the years is because the grower sent the one that was alphabetically planted next to the correct one. As in if the grower sold both Abiding Joy and About Town I received the About Town instead of the Abiding Joy apparently due to them being planted just a little too close to each other.

It has helped me to more easily figure out what I have received from the grower that I knew I had purchased from by taking a look at alphabetically what they list to sell overall.


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Wow! That's a great observation K! I'll have to go follow that trail...thanks! Never in a million years would have thought of that.

Kansas City, MO

I kinda stumbled onto the pattern.

Hope this helps.


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I found easy to access iris pictures on flickr (over 1000), most had names. Just search for Tall Bearded Iris. That's interesting about the alphabetical order thing. I will have to take a look at the next ones to the ones I didn't get. I found 2 mis-id'ed from Schreiners this spring. (The nice thing about buying from an established company is that they will send you the one you didn't get, and you get to keep the one they sent too!)

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

God wouldn't I love to visit Schreiner's and pick out my own!! I drive to Long's Iris in Boulder every year to dig my own (going next week!) but it's nothing like Schreiner's. Somewhere someone suggested we all take a "pilgrimage" to Schreiner's which I think is so necessary!
Also, needless to say I don't do business with eflowergarden anymore. Too bad because I sure like their prices!

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

There are a lot of less expensive irises out there - online catalogs too. I don't know if I am allowed to mention names here.
I used to live in Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs. In fact, my first 2 children were born there. I used to walk by Longs Garden I think it was, although I thought it was just somebody's garden, and I dreamed that someday I would grow beautiful irises like those. I would still like to have the foothills as a backdrop, but I guess one can't have everything!

South Hamilton, MA

When we were at Long's during a convention some years ago I noticed that at the end of each variety line, they planted a variegated foliage iris. I thought a great idea on how to keep track of where a certain cultivar planting was at an end.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

That is actually a great idea. I've been planting TBs in between my varieties of sibs. I don't recommend planting the two together, but with our sandy soil, it works.

Maybe the grower will give you folks some compensation, or at least identify your iris? Can you find out who the grower is? Most growers would bend over backwards not to have a wrong iris out there, and have talk about it.

This message was edited Jun 8, 2010 7:39 PM

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I was wondering where the discount irises come from - the ones you buy in box stores, and at eflowergarden for example. Who exactly are "the suppliers"?
Whether or not you ever get an id on this iris, it is a special beauty, hope it grows well so you can share it some day! You are now entitled to make up your own name for it, as long as you list it as of the "NOID" species!

This message was edited Jun 9, 2010 5:12 AM

Lebanon, OR

I can name some that are not the ones that supply to those middle men, as we compost our seedlings and supplus iris. I know I have a large pile we are moving finally and it is truly now compost after 8 years...so these never are sold to anyone. Donoted to cities and church if they wish to come out and dig thru for their own use...but not the big dutch gardens.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I know a lot of them are grown in the Netherlands that are supplied by the Dutch companies. I don't know who supplies the ones here in the US, but someone should take responsibility?

Maybe eflower Gardens could contact the vendor?

It is a lovely iris, though.

Raleigh, NC

OK, y'all, here's the problem

whenever the "vendor" is not the "seller" or the "grower", less care is given. It takes someone dedicated to NOT mixing them up. And, let's face it, to a non-irisarian, these all look just alike when they are not in bloom.

add to that, discounters and wholesalers need to plan for X number to meet expected needs, and few growers grow and sell them that many. So anything that looks like the right plant is lumped all together from many growers.

Bottom line, buy direct from the grower or hybridizers. when you try for discounts, unless you know the person selling, you are NOT going to get a guarantee the iris is correct. About the only thing you'll get is a guarantee it will be an iris. You get what you pay for.

Raleigh, NC

wanted to add to things - the "seller" is the "vendor" - duh. when a vendor tried to tell you differently, you should have swatted him/her like a fly. Definition of a vendor is "someone who sells." They should have given you a refund when you called them on it. That's fraud when they sell you the wrong thing. call it fraud, call it bait and switch, it's still their mistake. If they advertised and didn't produce, it's still fraud.

BUT they don't really care. Since most folks are too meek to make a big enough fuss to get reparation, they keep your money a high percentage of the time. THEY know this! It's a numbers game.

when eflowers announced the co-op, I contacted them and asked who the grower supplying them was, and they would/did not say. Just that there was more than one. Dead give away on irises that they were going to sell junk.

Gainesville, TX

I learned my lesson the hard way with that supplier. Not again

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

It's good advice bonjon, advice I will be following from now on! :)

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I am so sorry you do not know the name but is an absolutely beautiful iris.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I know it's disappointing not to receive the plant you ordered. I have to say though that it is gorgeous--to me, prettier than the other two named used for comparison:) The colors are so rich.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I will take it off your hands for the price you paid plus postage.

Raleigh, NC

now there ya go!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

:) hehe good try! Maybe I'll have some to share soon!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Just seeing if you were awake....

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

LOL! Barely, but I'm here!

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