Joy at the end of El Nino

Pasig City, Philippines

Can you believe it?
Just after a couple of days of rain showers, the champaca trees which I thought were doomed to die due to extreme el nino heat miraculously produced abundant leaves and bloomed profusely, bringing awesone fragrance in the air!!! Wonderful things do happen in His time! :)

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Keaau, HI

Rain, I don't mind!

Show us more!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Pasig City, Philippines

Hi MetroDave!

Okay, here's a picture of ground level just a week ago....
The land is parched brown....and you can see that many plants have turned brown too!

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

...and here it is now...the land is turning green again!

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Pasig City, Philippines

...and the rangoon creeper has bloomed and is way ahead of the pink trumpet vine in the race to dominate the plant arbour ! :)

Thumbnail by balaitalisai
Keaau, HI

A very awesome change!

Rain makes the garden smile!

Kapaa, HI

No change here. It still seems like an El Nino to me. It looks like Kaua`i will have an exceptionally dry summer. Hate it because of the fire hazard. I am moving some of my plants into pots. The ones I can move into pots.

Its hot as sin here at the moment.

Keaau, HI

On the windward side we're okay, but over in Kona many farms are in trouble because water is scarce and rain is little. There have been several wildfires in the past year.

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