What is happening in June on your homestead?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Catching up on my reading... I've been out of pocket for a couple of weeks and hear I've missed some grim weather. Glad to read all the shared info.

CajuninKy ~ you asked if the nail polish was an old wives tale. Nope, it works. It doesn't kill them as they are already gone but what the nail polish does is coat the skin to stop the irritation when clothing brushes against it. When the oil from the skin causes the polish to come off, the itch is done. I hope you are feeling better and your collicky colt too. I often wonder if horses would still be around were it not for man. Tough night. I am glad to hear Knock is doing well and there for a few weeks.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Things have settled down a bit here. thank the Lord. I can live without drama. DH's eye is better today. Still painful but not as bad. we went fishing this evening. Just from the bank at the lake but it was fun. Just caught a bunch of too small bluegill. Colt is fine. Like nothing ever happened. I am just recovering myself. LOL

Richmond, TX

Did you tell us what happened to the eye? Glad it's better in any case.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

He has bleeding and hemoraging from the diabetes and he has cataracts. He had laser on his right eye nd in 2 weeks he will have laser on the left eye. then cataract surgery and then laser again.

Richmond, TX

Oh wow, best of luck to him!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks. He is doing good. Just be so glad when it's all over. So thankful to God for the funding to get it all done.

We need a new thread for July but I don't know how to start one and link it to this one.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Good news your DH is doing better. Funding should not be a concern when health and well being are involved.

Cajun ~ please start a new thread for July and we'll follow... This one is slow to load for me.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Join us for July on the Homestead here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1112586/

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