Cheesecake, Pink Attraction or ?

Port Sanilac, MI

I have had pink attraction for several years and last year received Cheesecake. They are both blooming at this time and I can not see any difference with my untrained eye. Can anyone tell me what I have? I have taken close up pictures, thinking that might help. This first picture is Pink Attraction., Thanks.

Thumbnail by kays_camelot
Port Sanilac, MI

This is Cheesecake

Thumbnail by kays_camelot
Port Sanilac, MI

Now to confuse things further, I also have Satin Song. I believe the color was a little different for Satin Song, a little "dustier" color than the other two.

Thumbnail by kays_camelot
Cherryvale, KS

I've had iris like that before!! I just get rid of the least attractive plant!! I have Gingerbread Castle and also had a look alike. Chose the one with the best name.

Raleigh, NC

most folks don't realize that almost every named iris has a doppleganger... or 12. Many times the differences are in the growth habits or bloom habits.

for example: If an iris is lovely, but has few buds, a hybridizer might try to create another one that looks just like it with many more buds.

another example: Ghio created Lady Friend, one of my earliest bloomers and a showstopper. many red iris are early bloomers. Keppel crossed it to create Mulled Wine, one of my very latest bloomers. Their photos are identical. But they've never been in bloom at the same time! and a lot of folks love Mulled Wine because it is late.

Kansas City, MO


You bring up a good point about the blooming time tendency. I did not find my iris consistant with that at all this mild spring. I had tracked actually past blooming times and found no one bloomed on past established schedule of late, middle, early. Wierd year. It will be interesting to see if they settle down next year into more expected bloom times. Also, I had bloom for about 6 weeks this year and that is very unusual.


Raleigh, NC

and we had bloom for less than 10 days instead of six weeks. It was so cold they opened 3 to 4 weeks late. Then we went from 40s to 90s, had summer in April! They all popped at once.

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