Clump Shots

Bakersfield, CA

I just noticed that someone started a thread in the Daylily Forum of clump shots, and I thought that might be fun so I'll post some I've taken this year. Does anyone else have some they'd like to share?

I'll start with STEPPING OUT, taken at my sister's house.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And here is DANDY CANDY.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

This one surprised me. When many of the others were in bloom it seemed like there were only one or two stalks emerging, if that, so I had thought maybe it was time to part with it. But then they suddenly came out of nowhere and really impressed me in mid-late season. And believe me, for me it's a keeper!


Thumbnail by Betja
Kansas City, MO



Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks for sharing.
How many years did it take to get clumps like that ?

Bakersfield, CA

And here is OVERJOYED. I caught this picture a day too late and a lot of the falls were starting to rise up as they do just before the flower completely folds, but I just love the colors and ruffles on this one.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

The STEPPING OUT at my sister's is only a second year clump (she has great clay soil). For me it usually takes about three years, and so many never make these great clumps. So when I find one that does, it immediately becomes one of my fav's. OVERJOYED is a second year clump for me. Here is what a flower of OVERJOYED should look like. Beautiful, isn't it?

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

MARY FRANCES (my mother's name)

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

Taken at a friend's house -- her iris are incredible, compared to mine, and they all came from me! She lives in the same retirement community as my sister, so that clay soil again, plus she's a wonderful gardener.


Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA


Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And here is my favorite pink, PICTURE BOOK, with BOLD VISION in the foreground. My BOLD VISION is slowing down, so I know it's time to dig and reset this summer. I'll see if I can find my last year's clump shot to show the difference.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

Here was BOLD VISION last year.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

This is UNDERCURRENT. I love the colors and those great furry beards!

Thumbnail by Betja
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Geez, You have such beautiful iris. I just love to see your pictures. But then it means that more go on my wish list LOL!

Clump shots is a great idea. I don't have any clumps yet but hopefully next year. Love the PICTURE BOOK, with BOLD VISION shot. Both of them are gorgeous. Just love OVERJOYED also.

Gainesville, TX

wearing rubies

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

Ok, I need some help with this beautiful clump. It is clearly marked Dangerous Mood. It clearly is not. I don't have a clue

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

bye, bye blues

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

the brown in the center of the clump is Terra Rosa

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Bakersfield, CA

Beautiful flowers! I love both Wearing Rubies and Bye Bye Blues, and in fact Bye Bye Blues is one of the few space agers I really like because the falls still angle downward and look wonderful. And I also haven't a clue about that one mislabeled Dangerous Mood. The brown one is very pretty too. So far my favorite brown iris is CHOCOLATE ECSTASY, but that one also looks very nice. I'll have to try to find it, as I've never heard of it.

Rita, I do believe I've seen some pictures you've posted that had several flowers, and that qualifies as a "clump" for me! What about that favorite of mine that I can never get to bloom for me, FLORENTINE SILK? Yours looked beautiful!

I took a bunch of clump shots at Schreiner's and I'll have to post some of those also. There are some real beauties there...

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I ordered Wearing Rubies this year.....can't wait to get it planted and the coming blooms!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

This picture? That's not a clump. It is four fans blooming and I have four fans left now that didn't bloom so thats my clump for next year. Pretty good for an iris planted as one fan (like all my iris) last July.


Thumbnail by newyorkrita
Bakersfield, CA

Well, that's enough of a clump for me. And what a beauty that is! I'm very upset that she isn't happy with me, but I've pretty well decided that if FLORENTINE SILK doesn't improve for me this coming year after adding still another rhizome, I'm going to try out Barry Blyth's FASHIONISTA after seeing it up in Salem. It looked very similar, and maybe it would be happier?


Thumbnail by Betja
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I guess maybe it is a clump :-)) I just am having the mind set that since I only planted one rhizome each for my iris, I couldn't possibly have clumps. Yet on some I do. FS seems quite happy here and were she is. I am not moving her!

FASHIONISTA is a pretty one also. And its not like my TB iris are doing well in one spot in the garden. I have made various iris sections and they are doing great in all of them.

Gainesville, TX

Rita, this one did that for me......first year, planted fall 09


Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

this is an unusual colored beauty..."Quaint Quaint" , a silvery, gray, blue, white? It was very pretty and had a long bloom period

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

Alpenview clump

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

the dark ones are local color

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Bakersfield, CA

All very pretty! I love that TWINSCAPE and haven't heard of it before. Where did you get it?

Gainesville, TX

without checking for sure, I believe it was a 2009 purchase from Cooley's

Tomah, WI

Solo Flight-

Thumbnail by mattsmom
Tomah, WI

Sunray Reflections-

Thumbnail by mattsmom
Tomah, WI


Thumbnail by mattsmom
Tomah, WI

World Without End (Foreground purple)-

Thumbnail by mattsmom
springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Could this be Wearing Rubies?

Thumbnail by FrillyLily
Bakersfield, CA

I think this is the truest pink I've seen.


Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

Here is another pink, this one from my visit to Schreiner's:


Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

All the rest of these were taken at Schreiner's.


Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA


Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA


Thumbnail by Betja
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Love all these clump shots, especially the ones at Schreiners. STAR APPEAL
is truly a lovely, lovely shade of pink. Love MAGICAL GLOW. That color just jumps at me.

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