Whats The Difference Between D. Metel and D. Innoxia?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

just out of newbie curiosity. Is there really a noticeable difference?

D. inoxia aka moonflower/trumpet wine has large flowers usually white. The plant tend to grow branches that sweep the ground

D. metel have blooms that come in white, purple, and yellow. They are also double. Growth is more upright. Also the stem tend to be purplish.

Below is D. inoxia

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Here is the yellow D. metel 'Yellow Ballerina'

This message was edited Jun 17, 2010 9:52 PM

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and D. metel 'Purple Ballerina'

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Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

thank you blomma.. I have a large white flower on mine. i git seeds in a trade that were marked 'Moon bush'. only blooms at night and the flowers are the size of dinner plates.

sounds like its probably innoxia. tats why I was curious as to the difference

You are welcome. The inoxia will also keep the flower open during cloudy weather. The scent is heavenly.

Austin, TX

I have inoxia out in my raised bed of deer proof plants and my blooms are white, fragrant and do spread out large and have cropped up like re-seeding, but I've not had luck using the seeds on purpose. blomma, is there a technique, or best time to gather, dry, etc.

I let my bluebonnets dry on the plant, gather, soak before planting.

I have a great pic of my new purple and white double gift datura which by your def is a metal.

Thumbnail by sylguy
Austin, TX

These are the whites.

Thumbnail by sylguy
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

very nice sly.. those are what mine look like only they bloom at night, the blooms only last until about mid morning the next day and then wilt.


Yes, there is a right time to gather the seeds. They have to be ripe. Usually when they are, they dull in color. However, you can watch the pod and wait for it to crack. I usually surround the pod with cheese cloth since when it is ripe it spills seeds all over.

Spread the seeds out on paper towel and allow to cure for 2 weeks. Store in plastic bags, or other sealable container.

Soak the seeds over night in hand hot water. Cut in hald and wet a kitchen paper towel, squeeze out excess. fold it into a square. Place your seeds inside and fold one end over. Place this package in a ziplock bag. Place it at room temp or above to germinate. That they do very erratically. Can take up to 20, or more days. Check your package every 3 days. When you see them sprouting, transfer to potting soil, using a tweezer. Be sure to plants so that the tiny root point down.

I don't have photos of sprouting Datura seeds but here are Columbine seeds I started with the above method. The only difference is that those seeds were placed in the frig for 3 weeks for stratification (cold treatment)

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Austin, TX

THX, blomma, I'm gonna try it.

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