
Rochester, NY(Zone 6a)

I moved to a home with a small unidentified clematis. I was told it was moved to a sunnier spot last year because of little growth and no bloom in a shadier spot. The original slightly larger plant was about 10 yrs old but broke during transplanting.. It is now a 7 ft. quickly growing plant, essentially a single stem with a little more growth at the base. As of now it shows no buds/blooms. I'm an experienced gardener but haven't grown clematis before. I've found basic growing info but would appreciate any information on how to rejuvenate the plant, especially about pruning since I don't know the variety and pruning group.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Anytime a clematis is planted or should hard prune it so it'll focus on growing a stronger rootsystem or for your situation re-establish its roots in its new location..seeing that it is growing shows that it is happy..I would let it bloom and post a pic so we can id it for you and give you the pruning info needed for you to have the blooms you deserve from your clematis....did you give your clematis either Rose or Tomato fertilizer? should always do that in early spring or before it sets flowerbuds..NEVER fertilize once it starts to set flowerbuds...Jeanne

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

If you can take photos when it blooms I'm sure between many of us on this forum we can identify it and help you further.

Rochester, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Jeanne TX and pirl for your responses. I haven't fertilized this year but will check for buds tomorrow and fertilize per your suggestion if indicated.

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