Pls recommend hardy long blooming big bloom white clematis

Downingtown, PA


I am in s.e. PA .

Pls recommend hardy long blooming beautiful big blooming WHITE clematis.

This is for east facing area....AM sun till 1pm...then bright but shaded area!
Where can I get it ?

Big Flats, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi Kris, There are quite a few good white Large flowered clematis. I have grown many Clematis for ever. My personal favorite white is one of the oldest of hybrids it is Henryii, Its classified as a pruning type II I have pruned that way and have gotten the first flush of huge flowers from the old wood then a variable rest period followed by good summer flowering.. I have also pruned many as a type 3, this keeps the plant smaller and in good balance and it blooms very heavily with less of a non bloom period. I am very fond of "Hudine" a smaller stature with flowers of good proportions and long blooming, I may plant a few more. I have also grown and cared for MS. Bateman. Another Large white I like is also very elderly Languisa Candida, flowers a Large a bit twisted and consistent. These are my favorites and hope this helps. Lee Sherwood McDonald p.s. I have no hesitation planting clematis in Fall. l

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

My favorite white is Henryi which blooms almost all summer.

Athens, PA

Hi Teri

How are you? Henryii is one I do not have. Is that a type 2 clem? I'd love to have a long blooming white clematis. I have Huldine, which I need to move - it is 3 years old and has not flowered.


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Carolyn,

I'm fine, thank you and I am hoping to see everyone again at a spring swap.

I left my 2 Henryis in Harrington Park when I moved from New Jersey. For some reason I have some new clems here, but none of them white. I will try to remember this for next year. Yes, it is a type 2.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Henryi is pure delight with that wonderful green stripe on the newest flowers. Maybe if I feed mine more often I'd have more blooms!

Thumbnail by pirl
Athens, PA

Arlene -

He is gorgeous. I can see the green stripe on him and I just love it.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Beautiful, Pirl. I often forget to feed mine, also.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Carolyn. Here's a better shot showing the green stripe more clearly. It fades as the flowers age.

Roses - I always mean to be devout and always feed them but I get distracted too easily and it doesn't happen.

Thumbnail by pirl
Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

I am thinking about planting Henryii out near my mailbox. It will get brutal sun and a lot of heat..ofcourse I will protect the roots. Do you think he will like it?

Athens, PA


Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Henryii is definitely going on my 'want list'.

Teri - I usually catch the Spring fertilizing around April or so - after that, I don't think about feeding mine either. I wonder what would happen if I did fertilize them with some type of regularity.

Banana - JeanneTX grows clems down your way. I know she stresses keeping the roots cool and moist, but I think the sun where you are is much stronger than the sun where Arlene, Teri and myself live. If Jeanne doesn't chime in, I would send her a Dmail and see what she thinks about the Texas sun and Henryii.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Carolyn. I also wonder how the clematis would grow and flower if I gave them food on a regular basis. Maybe someday we'll find out.

You're right about the clematis roots having to be kept cool and moist (not drenching wet) in Texas. I use bark (sometimes more than one piece) and I don't use plants because I don't want root competition for food and water.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

What do you mean by bark? Is it from a firewood pile?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes, precisely!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

Good idea! and meant to say it is a good idea to contact Jeanne too!

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