Hula Dancer

Hamilton, OH

Started from seed last year. The yellow finches have picked the flowers heavily though.. so they are a little ragged. They are a very pale almost white looking pallida.

Thumbnail by Nevermore44
Hamilton, OH


Thumbnail by Nevermore44
(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Love it!!!!

I want some seeds. Lol.

Hamilton, OH

I will collect some this fall.

I got the original seeds from Jelitto seeds in euro.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Your plants are so perfect! I want to see more. You let me see the things the flood took away from me. Thanks!

Hamilton, OH

This plant came in nicely. Though i assume it isn't a rebloomer like pallida.

Thumbnail by Nevermore44
Hamilton, OH


Thumbnail by Nevermore44

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