gutters on my greenhouse

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Hi, I have the rion 8x8, and would like to put gutters on it to a rain barrel. The price is very high for the Rion brand.

Has anyone put other kinds of gutters/downspouts on them?

Thanks! Cathy

Bark River, MI

Hi Cathy -- I also have a Rion and have thought for quite some time putting gutters on it would be a great idea; I hope someone has some good ideas for us!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

weed, I'm going to hit the hardware store sometime this week if I can, there has to be a cheaper solution.

Fulton, MO

Maybe this will be helpful. Not specific to the Rion, but...

These were just generic gutters from Home Depot. I have had this system for 3 years now.

1) Through human error (mine) I burned out a demand/delivery pump this year...don't ask, long story. Replaced it and working fine again.
2) If I had it to do over again, I'd put the RO float valves higher on the tank. Sometimes I hang a little weight on the float valves just to keep the RO pump going long enough to fill the system. Two 90 gpd membranes have not had to be replaced. The only time the RO system runs is in July and August if it is really dry.
3) The 1/2" PVC has to be replaced about every year. Otherwise, sunlight breaks it down and it cracks and leaks develop. A little prevention goes a long way here.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2010 9:41 PM

This message was edited Jun 2, 2010 9:43 PM

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

if you know anyone that does House Siding they normally have a metal brake to finish out the eves and thing the same aluminum flashing can be used to make guttering for your green house and attached to it with little effort and run to a barrel for watering plants it works well ant lasts forever. as for a lil pump a fish pond pump works very well one picked up from a fish store is best not wal-mart and a good hose to boot ask for one with a by pas valve so if it gets cloged it wont burn out so when you shut the nozle of the pump dont over heat. it just bypasses ;) then when you start to water again the pump starts again . just dont tell the feller what your doing with it ! your not lieing but your not telling him what your doing with it either .

good luck


Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

Well i guess i was to late or it helped out guess i'll just wonder about it LOL

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

tks, i'll have to talk to my guy at the hardware store.

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

ok hun just wondering

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Howdy, neighbor!

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

Well Hello there Sheryl how are you your real close .


(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

And there are not many people who can say that to me, lol!

Doing well, hope you're enjoying this lovely warm, wet weather we've been having.

Cathy, any luck with your gutters? I'm having the same issues, unfortunately, with my home.... ah well.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Cat, life has taken over right now, the gutters will have to wait.

Bark River, MI

Quote from cathy4 :
Cat, life has taken over right now, the gutters will have to wait.

yes, like the actual gardening at the moment... putting gutters on has never been a high priority for me, but it would be nice to do. I'd like to figure out a way to do it without having to drill into the greenhouse frame, so that might be an impossible dream!

Bark River, MI

Sarge, this is a picture of my Rion greenhouse (when it was new) showing what the frame is like. The whole thing is made of some type of plastic, and all of the frame pieces are kind of rounded.

Thumbnail by Weedwhacker
Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

Well I finally search the thing on the net to get the idea on the Rion Green house in my brain and come up with a solution for you folks.

the Aluminum flashing that I was talking about would work it is for the finish work on siding houses and comes in several colors and can be made in a “J” style Gutter up to 10 foot long or less as needed with brackets and hangers fastened to the uprights with pop rivets.

Also the door issue thing could be addressed by reinforcing the locations at the top and bottom with Tin/metal for a light weight screen door closer/opener that has a bar lock on it they are not too big and bulky and would be easy to install.

The Sarge

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

I hope this will help allyou folks out that have the Rion Greenhouse I have took the time to look at several to consider the ability to configure the “J” style Gutter System and the light weight screen door closer/opener to the Rion Greenhouse with no dmage to the greenhouse at all.

Good Luck Everyone


Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates

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