nearly a thousand seeds for 4 rooted cuttings

Canary Islands. Tene, Spain


I live in Canary Islands ( Spain- Europe ) and where I live there is no persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus), nor Ipomoea batates tricolor, so I am willing to trade lots of seed for two rooted cuttings of each.

I recently receive plants form Dianne ( footpath ) in perfect conditions. They arrive safe and sound, so no problem on that

The seeds I'm willing to trade are:

Banksia Mensiezii 2
Banksia speciosa 2
Derris eliptica 2
Podocarpus Grcilior 3
Dracaeana Draco 3
Sophora secundiflora 4
Cassia nodosa 4
Carissa bispinosa 5
Datura orange 5
Merremia tubrosa 6
Prunsu avium 6
Argyureia nervosa 6
Cassia auriculata 6
Caesalpinia coriaria 6
Caesalpinia versicaria 6
Enterolobium cortorsiliquum 6
Gordonia Lasianthus 6
Erythrina crista Gallii 6
larrea tridentata 10
labichea lanceolata 10
Lagenaria siceraria 10
Momordica charantia 10
Mimosa pudica 10
Mirabilia longiflora 10
Nothofagus Pumilio 10
Oleander yellow 10
Stephanotis 10
Tabebuia Pentaphylla 10
Aloe vera 10
Sparagus densiflorus 10
Abies cephalonica 10
Brugmansia Mollis 10
Chilopsis linearis 10
Caesalpinia gilesii 10
Chimonanthus praecox 10
Celtis australis 10
Datura stramonium 10
Datura Inoxia 10
Delonix Regia 10
Eleagnus Angustifolia 10
Grevillea Robusta 10
Koelreuteria 10
Gledtisia Triacanthos 10
Markahamia lutea 20
Pandorea Jasminoides 20
Podranea ricassoliana 20
Albizzia julibrissin 20
Acacia dealbata 20
Bixa orellana 20
Cotoneaster horizontalis 20
Cedrela odorata 20
Centrosema virginianum 20
Psidium Catleyanum 50
Pittosporum viridifolium 50
Parkinsonia culeata 50
Sequoia 50
Teoma Stans 50
Casuarina 50
Jacaranda 50

if you are willing to trade with me Please send me an email:

Thank you

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