The old woodcutter and the chainsaw

PERTH, Australia

An old woodcutter is approached by a chainsaw salesman who was eventually able to convince the reluctant and sceptical woodcutter that buying a chain-saw would not only make his work a whole lot easier, it would increase his output 10-fold.

A month later the salesman returns to find out how the chainsaw was working out. The old woodcutter has scant praise for this new fangled device. He said that although it had marginally increased the amount of wood he could cut, it was nowhere near the 10-fold increased he'd been assured of a month before.

The salesman is puzzled and offers to check that the chainsaw is operating as it should. He pulls the cord and chainsaw roars into life. With that, the old woodcutter dives for cover, absolutely terrified! Concerned at the old mans reaction, the salesman shuts the machine off and asks him what the problem was.

The old woodcutter shakily emerges from behind a pile of wood and eyes bulging with fear, asks: "What the hell was that NOISE?"

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