
Hamilton, OH

Pulled a mac n cheese plant i bought last year in the fall on sale out this morning. Was growing well.. but then inspected the buds forming.. and they had the signs of yellows aster disease. The larger buds had the mini plants growing from the disc florret (sp). Petals just forming as green.

I hope it didn't have any time to spread to the others in my collection!

the end

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

Oh no. That cultivar seems to be prone to diseases. I pulled mine out before it ever bloomed. It just would not grow. I went to the local nursery. This lady has been in business for years. Her "Mac 'n Cheese" and "Maui Sunshine" look bad too. They are just weak cultivars. It's nothing any of us are doing wrong...It's just the plants themselves.

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