Philadelphus virginicus

Kannapolis, NC

Does this mock orange take some time to bloom? Mine has been in the ground for 4 years and bloomed this year for the first time, 3 little blossoms down near the ground. Should I prune it back hard or what? It's in afternoon sun and is about 6' tall.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Are you growing a plant out from seed, or do you have one of the named selections?

I have a couple versions of Philadelphus out in the yard. All three were acquired in 5G containers, and they were blooming when I got them.

You could prune it back hard after bloom, and then push new growth with watering/fertilization. This is never a bad thing on rejuvenatable (sp?) shrubs that really only have one season of interest (flowers).

Post some images so that we can kinda see what is going on.

One speculation I can make: if you acquired this plant as a container grown individual, you may have some compromised root system conditions that are messing with the plant's performance. Often, plants in containers too long have encircling root systems, which with age constrict the center of the plant/stem/trunk. These spiraling root systems also seem reluctant to (or outright fail to) colonize surrounding soil volumes. This leads to poor growth performance, poor flowering/fruiting, and sometimes eventual outright death.

Not good news, but give the cut-back a try. Next dormant season, you might pop that Mockorange out of the ground and bare-root it, correct any problems found, and then replant.

Remember the potential root problems every time a container plant is purchased; it will forego a lot of angst in future plantings.

Kannapolis, NC

Thank you, VV, for your comments. I misposted the name of my plant. It is Phildelphus virginalis Minnesota Snowflake and I will post photos later. Just returned home from a few days' vacation and playing catchup!

Kannapolis, NC

Here are the three blossoms down low on the bush. These are the first ever blooms and in reading more about the shrub, it appears I need to prune it sometime soon. I'll try that and see if it improves the blooms next year.

Thank you, VV, and if the pruning doesn't work, I'll dig it up and follow your suggestions.

Thumbnail by Hemophobic

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