Are any of you disappointed in an Iris?

Spicer, MN

I have 2 that have disappointed me.
1. Toucan Villa (Each year the stems are so long that they break or lay down. Also the bloom/petals lay over and don't form a nice blossom.)
2. Dream of Gold (The stems grow long and are very curvy, so are more apt to lay on the ground)

It's hard to find fault. They are all 'pretty much' beautiful!


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Superstition, going on three years and hasn't bloomed yet. Purple Serenade is right next to it and looks beautiful.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Vail, AZ

I can't get Dynomite to bloom in Arizona. It's been 3 seasons, I'm giving up.

Bakersfield, CA

Redhead, I know what you mean -- my Dynamite only blooms every other year for me, so I am going to give it away this year. But I have a gorgeous new favorite that I'm very enthusiastic about. It is called Nebraska Big Red, introduced by Blue J Iris, and I really hope it increases nicely and blooms each year for me because I love the ruffled form. It's a Dynamite seedling, so I may end up disappointed. But it was a total standout in my garden this spring. Here's a picture:

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

My iris disappointment has been Florentine Silk. I received my first plant as a bonus plant from Keith Keppel and it took three years to bloom for me -- and it was fantastic! And for the last two years I've ordered another rhizome to increase my clump, but not even much growth. So last fall I moved it to a different location, added another rhizome, and still she pouts! But so far I'm not giving up -- I've ordered another rhizome yet again because she's worth it!

Vail, AZ

I got another good red, Pep Rally.

Thumbnail by redheadclan
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I love most of the photos of Boysenberry Buttercup but mine seemed like it's wimpy cousin. The color was a bit faded and the bloom size was on the small side.

I also didn't like Best Bet--same thing as above--just not too impressive.

Raleigh, NC

I was so diappointed in the bloom coloring of Dynamite, I traded it all.

Kansas City, MO

Dynamite blooms fine here in 5a. I have been a little disappointed in its form. I think Nebraska Big Red has the form I enjoy alot more. Pep Rally is gorgeous. Have to consider those.


Bakersfield, CA

I was very disappointed with Pep Rally and got rid of it because it looked very drab and burned easily. Pianoforte, however, looks fabulous for me in comparison. I guess it's different for every person and garden environment.

Here was Pep Rally for me.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And here was Pianoforte last year. We had temps in the 100's last year in April and these little beauties were really stressed. But Pianoforte really held up much better.

Thumbnail by Betja
Boise, ID(Zone 5b)

Oh yes.
Fortunate Son, big beautiful flowers, beautiful straight stalks, good increaser and tall. but I just found that the old flower dies in a wet mess all over the newer blooms. I pulled on off an new bloom and the falls just opened right up. Several other blooms were the same. Yuck!

Pursuit of Happiness - beautiful blooms. But it has been stumpy and bunchy in my yard. And it is winning awards.

Byzantine Art - again beautiful flowers but the stalks ALL lay down. Not one is standing on its own. It has been moved but still lays down.

Rayos Adentres - bought one, it died, bought another and it died. I really wanted this one.

Elizabethan Age - it has been a slow increaser in my yard. I get maybe 2 stalks every year.

All such a disappointment. Especially when they seem to grow well in other areas.

Ridgeley, WV

I moved some of my iris last year and they had a lot of leaves but no blooms. Also had tulips that came up with lots of leaves but no blooms. Any ideas???

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Some iris are fussy about being moved, even at the proper time of year, and may take until next spring to get over it.

Most tulips don't tend to return well. If your winter was on the temperate side it slows/stops them too. The ones that are marked a "good for perennializing" have the best chance of returning. Darwin, some Triumph and species tulips are the ones that are more likely to return, but even then they won't go gangbusters like daffodils. Of course all the specialty tulips and fancy colors aren't the type that will return:) So, start w/ the Darwin, Triumph and species types and maybe each season add a few "fresh" ones to help offset any that don't return. If you like the other type/colors better then just resolve to buy more each fall. This is sort of reflected in the price of the bulbs. The ones that tend to return (daffodils, hyacinth, lilies) tend to be more expensive as you don't have to buy more in subsequent seasons. Tulips are much more reasonably priced but need annual replacement for the most part. They getcha either way:lol: Hope that helps!

Madison, WI

Lots of leaves and no blooms may also mean they need less nitrogen and more phosphorus when you feed them. Try giving them different plant food and see if that helps.

Raleigh, NC

Just happened to see this again, was looking for something else.

There are two irises that really really had me fooled. I thought Artistic Blend was crappy, no other word for it. After two blooms, I just "discontinued" it. When it didn't sell, I took it to a friends house and planted it there, to be sold the following year.

He has very different soil than I have. I have heavy acidic red clay. He has sandy soil that won't even grow a decent weed.

Guess what - last November, I dug it up, put it in a bucket, took it back home, with that sandy soil in the bucket. Forgot about it, in a corner. Darn thing bloomed GORGEOUS four months later. In a bucket!

High Master was another. First year's bloom was worthless. Was thinking of discarding it. But the next year's was better, so I left it alone. Then I heard from someone that it takes a while to settle down after transplanting. On the 3rd year, when it bloomed even better, I dug that whole bed but left High Master right where it was. Two years later, it's the prettiest clump in my garden! I hate to move it, but, it's time to dig it.

Kansas City, MO


I have had similar experiences. It just is a mixed bag every year in iris keeping. How some can go from grungy to gorgeous I do not know, but it is fun. So many have gone from my toss list to my keeper list as a result of what a new season can bring.


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Some must be tastier than other as I have replanted Rush Hour about 20 times. Votes or squirrels keep digging it up and chewing on the rhizomes. I have tried poison, cayenne pepper spray and Havahart trap. I think a 22 is next.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Just one out of many I have been disappointed with was Surprising Wit. It was a bonus plant from Cooley's way back in 1999 and was listed at $40.00 in their catalog. Well, year after year we waited, it grew a little bit at a time, and we waited! I'm sure it is just stubborn at 7,000' altitude, but on 5-20-2009, she finally bloomed! And this year? NOTHING!!! I really don't care for it, so maybe I can find a new home for it someday.

Surprising Wit (Gibson 1999)

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Honestly, Melograno, an SDB. It came up such a pale, barely there orange that you could barely see the purple 'splotches' that appear on the falls. People commented on the iris around it and just shrugged when I pointed it out to them.

(Pic is from this year.)

Thumbnail by Maxsmomma
Lebanon, OR

If you notice that is why no longer carry it as to me it was a big disappointment


Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

That makes me feel better about not liking it as much, Dee. ; )

Raleigh, NC

yup. With irises, one person will adore one, someone else will despise it. That's why I love love love DG, getting feedback from everyone.

Spicer, MN

I'm finding that many of my Iris have narrow, spindly leaves, and they're not as vigorous. This is with Pumpkin Cheesecake, Sugar Magnolia, Imprimis, Pucinni, Kiwi Cheesecake, Elainalope, etc.

Is this Me/MN soil, Hybridizers, or something I could do to help make them more vigorius?


North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

If they are disapointing I just chuck them. Always something out there to replace them with that will be an improvement.

I have noticed that lots of so called red iris really are not that much really red. I guess the color not being true would be dissapointing.

Gainesville, TX

I have a hard time getting Decadence to survive and I wanted it so bad I have bought it twice now.

Spicer, MN

I have that one also. Out of the 20+ Iris I purchased from this seller, it was the only one that didn't bloom. When I 'talked' with her, she said that it has great bloom 'rate' in the first year. We'll have to check this out next year.

South Hamilton, MA

It is reported difficult to grow here. Comes from a different climate.

Bakersfield, CA

Yeah, DECADENCE has been a slow grower for me, but I just keep on buying those rhizomes -- and they're getting cheaper each year! Had beautiful blooms this year and finally some good growth, so maybe again next year (when I'll purchase another rhizome!). I swear I'll never give up! Never surrender!!!

Gainesville, TX

girl after my own heart........

Raleigh, NC

Decadence here is also a poor grower. Have found out it's a bit more tempermental on pH - likes it truly neutral, and likes a bit more organic matter. In Keppel's garden it was a show stopper and bloomed profusely. In my garden it barely survives. I've bought 3 now, and only have one alive. and it's very stingy with increases.

BUT when it does bloom - I stop and stare, it's by far and away the prettiest iris I have.

Tranquillity, CA(Zone 9a)

I have a Beef with Decadence too. I have it growing in 2 diffrent areas.
Just a very poor grower for me.
Baditude is another, grows great, increases great. But the blooms
take on a muddy mute color in Calif. Seen pictures from other states
and it looks better.

South Hamilton, MA

It is difficult to ask a particular cultivar to grow across a continent.

Kansas City, MO

I have had Decadence for at least 3, maybe 4 years. I give its little fan garden space, food and tlc and hope to see a stalk and a bloom that compares to descriptions I have heard here. Someone even sent me 2 more last season in hopes I might get a bloom. Still waiting......................................................................................................being patient...........................................
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. still hoping.............

Anyone see Glamazon????? Is it as glamazing as its name implies???


South Hamilton, MA

Blyth's climate in Australia is quite different from many of ours. If it didn't grow well for him, it would not be introduced.

Bakersfield, CA

Oh how I love Glamazon! I got a fantastic plant last year from Alex Stanton...


Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

Easier for me to grow than DECADENCE, and Keith Keppel sells it too, so it must do OK in colder climates. It's ruffled almost beyond belief!


Thumbnail by Betja
McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

The post about planting in sandy soil is interesting - maybe you could try that on the ones from another climate? Could you grow a special one in a pot if it doesn't do well here? I wonder if the ones from Australia are genetically programed to bloom in an opposite season?
I have ordered a few this year - hope they make it!

Kansas City, MO

Thanks for posting those wonderful pix of Glamazon. I considered getting it this year but did not do it.
Pix took my breath away, now will they take my check away??

Might have to put it on the top of my purchases for 2011.

So much beauty and so little dime and time!!


Bakersfield, CA

If you email Keith Keppel he'd probably agree to send you one as soon as he receives your check, and if Alex Stanton has any available I know he would -- he advertises he accepts orders and ships into November. And with either of them, you can suggest a bonus plant too!

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