Apropos of Nothing v.14

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I missed you guys the last few days. My nose is really swollen and it hurts, thank goodness for pain meds. This was not the best time to add a new member to the family. What was I thinking?

Meet Henry.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Seattle, WA

OMG! He's so cute - are you sure he's real and not a stuffed animal?

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Yep, he's a real live fluff ball of trouble. I never had a dog before, so I just didn't get it when Rarejem joked about Phoenix being a puppy and his love of chewing. I sure do get it now!

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Seattle, WA

Well you know pain meds can do strange things :)

I'm pretty convinced baby animals of any sort (cat, dog, human) have evolved to be as cute as possible because otherwise we'd put them out on the front steps with a free sign. Sounds like a barrel of trouble indeed, but oh so cute.

What kind is he?

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Lynn!! You got a pup!!! I'm so excited for you. :-)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

He is a Bishon Friese. We just love him so much. He follows Joey around like a shadow.

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Awesome. Lynn, I'm so happy for you. Don't let him outside alone, though - little white thinks stand out in the dark.

I've never met a Bichon I didn't like. They are such friendly little guys. I'm convinced you'll heal much faster now.

Are you crate training him? That is really the best way to go to keep him from eating things that might hurt him and to potty train him (small dogs are notoriously difficult to potty train). And a crate training will benefit you greatly down the road when it comes to transporting him to the vet, kenneling him or traveling with him to hotels . . .

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

What a little ball of fluff! He looks soooo soft. Can't wait to meet him. And I'm glad you're feeling a little better. I bet Henry sure is fun to have around.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Henry is adorable - or should we be calling him Henri? Bonjour Henri.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

He is very cute. And I like the name. hehe. (I have a cat named Henry) ;)

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Love the new puppy! Hope you feel better soon.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Leaving now for Salem! Jury Duty! Hope I can find parking as I hear it fills up quicky. I hate being stressed so early in the day. :)

(Judi)Portland, OR

My goodness - what a cute puppy! Oh Henry! I agree about the crate training. I've never had a crate-trained dog but my daughter has crate trained her puppy and it is fantastic. It keeps them safe from all sorts of troubles. Especially if the puppy is the kind that needs to be supervised constantly. Congratulations Lynn! And I hope you are getting better each day.

Oh, who is smitten now?? LOL Joey always comes around to your way of thinking after all is said and done! What a cutie that pup is!

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Bea, That hummingbird video was just too much. Hope jury duty was interesting.

Lynn, Glad that you are feeling a bit better. Also glad that you FINALLY posted Henry's picture. It was sooooo hard not to blab! Just so you all know, he is every bit as adorable in person.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Wow, Julie - she made you all wait. That must have been tough. What do your dogs think of him?

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Interesting was not the word Julie.. Did not get choosen for the jury but it was a molestation trial of a 5 year old girl. Really depressing. I could not believe how many of the 48 people in our group who had been victims of molestation. One women broke down in tears in court when we were told what the case was about. When we were released for the day, I saw her outside the court house on a park bench still crying. I stopped and asked her if she was ok. She was a mess. I sat down and just listened to her until she was feeling a bit better and well enough to drive home. It is a shame that this problem exists in this world. The defense atty was a piece of work...but I guess that is what they do. He was trying to convince the potenial jurors that children lie. Yes children may lie about breaking a lamp or taking a cookie...but a 5 year lying about being molesested by her grandfather..i think not.It is so sad.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Kathy, Lynn brought Henry to visit the weekend before her surgery. She didn't make us wait, but we figured it was her surprise to share. He was such a doll, and he had just had a bath so he was all fluffy white. She stopped at my house first, and we decided to walk him up to Mom's. Mistake with all the rain that we have been having, as his little feet were black by the time we got halfway there. ^_^ Lynn carried him the rest of the way, so her shirt was decorated with paw prints. He cleaned off in the grass at Mom's though, and had a great time playing with the wolf pack. Phoenix wanted to play, but she is kind of big and energetic for him right now. He liked playing with Gigit best because she was his size, and they played chase around the tree for most of our visit.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Bea, What a dreadful experience! It is one thing to see that kind of stuff on TV and in the movies where you can keep it in a safe place in your mind, but seeing the evidence in reality would be heartwrenching. I have served on jury duty a couple of times, and fortunately have never had to see anything like that. Good for you to try and comfort the other juror and hopefully you will be able to walk your yard now that you are home and concentrate on the beauty of the world rather than the ugliness. {{{hugs}}}

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Bea, that's tough. My niece went through a trial like that and it took her a long time to get over it.

Julie, I love the image of that white little girl walking through all that mud. I imagine that the pack wasn't sure what to do with such a little thing, but that it would be nice for Giget to have someone her own size to play with.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Eeeek Bea, what an unpleasant day you have had. But it sounds like you were a great help to someone who is carrying bad memories.

What a lucky dog Henry is!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Good on you Bea, for taking the time to stop and sit with that woman. Most people wouldn't bother.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Apropos of nothing- isn't it fun when one of your own photos shows up as the "random" photo on your DG home page? I love that. :)

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Which photo was it? Post it here!

Gwen, off to Jesse's last ever band concert. Yay, so happy band is almost over for good!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Today it was this one: http://davesgarden.com/guides/birdfiles/showimage/4407/

I've had several others pop up over the last year. It's kind of fun. :)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Congrats, Pony.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. The one that need the prayers is that little girl. I only hope that she can regain the joy of her childhood and not live in fear the rest of her life. I did enjoy a quiet but drizzly & windy stroll around my yard when I got home. I hope that child will also be able to enjoy the beauty the world has to offer.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes, you're so right.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Holy cow!!! I'm gone for a week and looka t all that has transpired.... !

Don't think I'll ever catch up, especially the hoopla going on. Henry is just cute as a button. I was at my son's wedding in the Houston area and for 2 nights we had 20 people and 7 Shitzus in the house and amazingly we didn't feel like sardines.

What a gem you are Bea to give that woman your shoulder - it was just what she needed. And I agree to praying for that little girl and her healing so she can enjoy the world around her.

Snails are pretty cool creatures, radula, operculum and all.

My brother didn't quite water as I would have liked. Hopefully, I can revive a few things.

This message was edited Jun 1, 2010 9:39 PM

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

You were in a good place, Jan. The hoopla really boiled down to something we'd all be better off avoiding. But the PNW is still here . . . and it's still raining . . .

Cute photo, Pony!
Beahive, the world can be a sad place. You did a good thing.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

We watched some thunderstorms move around us. Frustrating!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, and glad that the wedding went off well. Looking forward to some pictures!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

My niece was the photographer and shot over 3000 pics from Thursday to Tuesday morning. It was AWESOME!!! I will see what I can do.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Pony, love the Chickadee!

Jan, Glad you had a good trip!


We have a junco nest in the planter box outside our office and have been enjoying watching the little kids grow up. There were four little babies, and Mom and I were thrilled. I showed the guys in the shop, and they all got very protective of the little babies... shooing away the crows and checking on the kids daily. They fledged this weekend, and there are at least two of the kids left. It has been a joy watching them today with their floppy flying (and bouncing off of a few things ^_^ ) and begging for food. All of the guys came up at least twice today to see if they could see the little ones flitting around. It has been kind of fun to watch grown men fall in love with and become guardians of these little guys.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Thank you Bea, for being there for that woman who was plunged back into the memories of a time in her life that was misery. You both were making a difference in the life of the little girl, as part of the process that will ultimately bring her grandfather's actions into court and protect her from further abuse.

The stories of the baby birds and the new snow-white puppy do my heart good. It brings a little respite from the harsher aspects of the world.

And hoopla....achhh. I waded through a bit of the muck over the weekend, and was aghast at the ugliness spewing around from various positions. By the time I got there, anything of use to be said had already been said (several times over in some cases). I noticed a few people from our forum had tried to referee only to be muck splattered and misunderstood, but good for you for speaking up with some humanity and reason.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Awww! Baby birdie love!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

MY friend Christel posted this to her Facebook page. They're actually getting sun down in California:

A woman had to watch her neighbor's tomato plants bloom and pump out red, delicious, big tomatoes. Hers wouldn't even grow, so she asked her neighbor how she got such big and healthy fruits. The woman explained you have to go out at night, naked, and the tomatoes will blush and be red in the morning!
The next day, the tomato neighbor asked how it went, and she replied: "The tomatoes are still the same, but the cucumbers are huge!!!"

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

*snork* Very cute. ;)

Willow! I got the info on the store where I got my glass/metal frog. I thought we were in Chehalis, but it was actually Centralia. Oops.

Across The Street Antiques
113 North Tower Avenue
Centralia, WA 98531-4219
(360) 623-1514

Worth calling, at least- maybe they had more than one, or know where to get them.

Here's one of the youngsters in the greenhouse. They fledged last weekend. What a vulnerable time for them! Parents were 'chipping' away at anyone who dared venture near that part of the garden. We kept the cat inside.

Thumbnail by

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