question on lichee trees

Xai Xai, Mozambique

ok, i have a small litchi tree, and i am wondering how large they become. i have only a limited amount of room, and if it is a large tree, is it possible to prune it regularly to keep it small?
thanks in advance!

Keaau, HI

Lychee trees get huge! They need a lot of water to do well.

You can trim Lychee to confine it, but if you want a lot of fruit it must be allowed to get large.

If you live in a coastal area, it needs to be protected from sea-winds.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Thanks, Dave!! i did hear they get huge, just wanted to confirm. i think i might have to give it away, because i seriously don't have room for a large tree. and we get strong coastal winds here too.
thank you very much!! :-)

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