Clematis Looks at the Moon

(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

Yes. I caught this clematis blossom gazing up at the moon. You can see it in the upper left. It is a moon midway between quarter and full, as it appeared on Sunday evening May 23.

Thumbnail by Cibarius
Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

Very nice picture.

Appleton, WI

Love the photo.

Has anyone noticed that many clematis blooms open at night?

(Doug) Murfreesboro, TN

That picture was a chance thing. I just noticed that there was a obround object in my image. I then went back out and tried to duplicate it while the moon was still out. I took about fifty more exposures, trying to do it again. No luck. I couldn't get the up-angle of the camera right, probably because the moon had moved. I might try again tonight. I am using a Sony DSC-V1 digital camera. It is very capable at low light and night photography in the macro mode. You can still find them in the after-market. It's a great little camera. I highly recommend it.

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

You should enter it in the photo contest

McMinnville, TN

Great picture, it does look like the clematis is looking right at the moon!

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