Good Deal on Aerobin 400 Composter

Clovis, United States

I have wanted to do compost for some time but I am a beginner and was afraid my neighbors would smell the composter and have a fit. Found the Aerobin 400 Composter on Costco .com. It was 299.99 which includes shipping. Sale goes through May or until supplies run out. I wanted to share my good fortune with anyone looking.
Any one had bad results from this composter?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

If you would be so kind as to post a link, we could see what type it is. From the price I am guessing it is a rotating drum kind and some people are not too pleased with them.

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Here's a link to the Aerobin 300 composter as sold by Gardener's Supply. It's more expensive to purchase from this site--I post this because there is a lengthy review included which tells me more about it than other sites.,default,pd.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google&utm_term=aerobin_composter&SC=XNET8019&gclid=CMr_hoTv7aECFSQ65Qod1HLPKQ

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

3-4 hundred dollars will buy you a whole lot of compost made by someone else. Yes I know the allure of doing it yourself, I do it. But dollar and cents wise...
I couldn't open the review, it errored on me.
I give it a plus for holding moisture- dry edges slow down a good part on my action. I doubt the aeration tube does much, The drain holes will get cloggy and not let much air in; a layer of leaves will clog them in a heartbeat. I'd be sure to start with a layer of coarse wood chips or something at the bottom. The finished stuff will not look like that for about a year if then. And it will not be loose like scooping from the top of a bag of potting soil (which they probably filled that one with for photo purposes) It will be moist and packed in and you have to scrape it out on your hands and knees. Then dig around to loosen the upper part and make it go down.
You could almost fill it with two bags of leaves then only have room for kitchen scraps, That will be all you can do for months. So you'l get a couple bags worth of compost in a year?
Some of this is educated guessing and some experience from using an Earth Machine, a much cheaper version with a little similarity. in concept.

Frankly unless keeping your own stuff to compost and doing it super neatly is a major thrill, you'd be better off spending 100 a year for the next 3-4 years on good compost and organic mulch to top all your beds.

Just my two cents! ^_^

Clovis, United States

I wish that my knowledge of composting was superior. I was attracted to the fact that I could use my organic garden waste, and have compost tea available to me. I live in a suburban neighborhood and can't have any one complaining about smells or insects. Most reviews I read on various websites were quite positive.
The community in which I live in is located in the central valley, Central California. Full of people that farm for a living. We are the so called bread basket of the nation for many fruits and vegtables.
I want to learn and appreciate everything most folks around here take for granted. I have had some of the most humbeling experiences learning how to do a garden. Not to mention being more aware of what the farmers in my community go through each and every year to make a living. If anyone is interested in knowing how my project with this composter turns out, I will be happy to share my experiences.
I have had a blast with all the new projects.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Lots of people are on this forum because we feel like you do, and will be interested in hearing how you like your composter. I hoped I didn' t throw a wet blanket on your project!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Soil-building engages the gardener on many levels, with the added benefit of being a pursuit that produces worthy results.
An interesting way to practice patience...

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