Anyone want to baby sit a dog?

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was ready to relly hurt this dog. I am baby sitting my son's dog.
I put her outside on her leash so she could do her duties and I could get the house work done.
I go out side and she has gotten behind my trellis tore awayand ripped out my Clems. I was so upset. All I could do was try my best to get the trellis back in place and see what damage she did. I know that the vines that are up the trellis are now going to die. She knew I was mad at her, I would not play with her all day.
They say get a dog to get rid of the Voles, but they tear up as much as the voles.So which is worse, the voles or the dog?
Then I get a call from my son saying that he will be another 3 days picking her up. Pray for

Appleton, WI

One of my dogs steps nicely over plants and the other one plows through the garden tearing up everything in his way.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Dogs are dogs. :) Used to have a gorgeous back yard, and now I have pits -- I'm thinking they are trying to make a swimming pool for me. :) Have you thought about moving the pup to a different part of your yard?

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

My yard is gardens all around. I was looking today to see where I could put her that she couldnt reach a flower bed. Her leash is about 30 ft long.But I want her to be able to get to shade if she needs to. The only thing I could do is put her over on the woods side when I am not out there with her to watch what she does. I have one more day to go. He is suppose to come Monday to get her.

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I know what you mean. Your guest is temporary, ours are permanent! :) We love them, but it does make gardening a challenge in the back. I have beds on all sides of my house except the back where the backyard is fenced in for the dogs that we raise. Talk about wearing different hats, LOL, when I walk out my front door I put my gardener hat on, when I walk out my back door, I put on my breeder hat. They don't destroy anything, but I have just never developed the back b/c they do run through the places that I would locate a bed and I know I am going to have to think big like shrub instead of flowers so that it is something durable back there that they will go around instead of through. That will be my project for next year, I'm thinking. I have my hands full this year with side yard projects!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have been told that he wants to bring her back again next week from tuesday to saturday. UGH,,,,, I wanted to go to MD to visit family before I go back to work.

(Carisa) Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

You only need two letters to take care of the problem. N and O :)

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I've a dog 2 kids and a garden, bottom line is they are more impotant to me., but someone elses dog and kids are a pain in the butt!

Tell him to board the dog somewhere in a kennel because you will not be around.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Tell him the price of replacing the clematis! Maybe he'll take the hint!

South Lake Tahoe, CA

Good idea Doe41~ Replacing the clematis is a great idea.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I hear what you all are saying, but I cant do
Hubby will not be happy But its me watching her not him. I do not let her run the house, since I dont have a dog I dont want the hair every where.Been there done that.
My opinion is that he needs to not have a dog. It was fine before he was in a relationship, and it was just him. He had the time. But now he wants to go see her and I cant say no. He finaly met someone real nice and I want him to enjoy himself and I hope it goes farther. But the kicker was when he called and said I wont be picking her up right away it will be 3 days later, I said well I could always bring her over, he says.... Oh, are you going some where?,,,what MOMs dont have things to do and places to go?

This message was edited May 25, 2010 1:22 PM

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I agree. N and O would fix it. Board her at a kennel. If he can't do that, he has no business having a dog.
In the mean time, I would tie her up some place else.

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