Need help identifying

Boaz, KY

This beautiful Iris was supposed to be Abstract Art. It isn't. Anyone have any ideas about what it is?

Thumbnail by Muddymitts
springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

it's Pretty!?


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Beautiful! I hope someone can positively ID it :)

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

It is similar to Smiling Gold but maybe yours is a lighter shade of yellow.

Thumbnail by Pegwesttx
Boaz, KY

Gosh Peg -- I don't think so -- I think it's the same Iris!!! My photo was taken in the shade, on a sunny day. Your photo and the plantfiles one look exactly like it! DingDingDing -- I think we have a winner!! Thank you SO much!!

FrillyLily and SusanLouise -- it IS a pretty Iris. Normally, when an Iris turns out to be something other than what I bought, I'm disappointed. Not this time. And I thing Peg has nailed it -- Smiling Gold. I'm going to the plant files to find out what I can about it.

Thanks everyone!! :-D

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I think yours is too light to be that. I also think the 'ring' around the bottom petals is darker on Smiling Gold. BUT GET THIS< I have a NOID that I *think* has just been nailed!!! What do you all think?

Thumbnail by FrillyLily
Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

All of these photos make the flowers look like a close match. The only sure way is to plant a Smiling Gold next to it and see if they are the same next year. FrillyLily sure has a close look alike. Muddymitts, you know what your iris really looked like. The photo posted makes the yellow look creamy and not as golden bold yellow as mine. It's your call on whether it's a match. Maybe there are other possibilities that someone will suggest. I just had to jump in with the photos I had of Smiling Gold since there was so much that was similar.
BTW, doesn't it make you HAPPY to nail down a NOID!!!

Kansas City, MO

I see big differences between FrillyLily and Muddymitts's bloom. The Muddymitts is a lighter shade of yellow and has much more pronounced ruffling, much like a noid I received a few years back. It is very pretty and I have just decided to enjoy the contrast it brings to my garden. The range there is of the shades of yellow iris is amazing in irisland.


Spicer, MN

It looks like Silk & Honey. Mine just bloomed and I love it!


Thumbnail by husker11
Spicer, MN

:o( This is Crusader Rabbit. I'll try again.

South Hamilton, MA

Different beards on the last picture--looks orange insead of yellow.

Spicer, MN

SILK & HONEY! I'm sorry...I'm still learning.


Thumbnail by husker11
Boaz, KY

Husker11 -- Silk & Honey has a white beard. Mine has a gold beard. :-(

Boaz, KY

Also -- your fall petals are rufflier -- is that a word?

Kansas City, MO

That silk and honey IS a honey!! Whoo! Whoo! I may have to stop saying I don't like yellow....


Kansas City, MO

Where did you get Silk and Honey??

This message was edited May 24, 2010 6:52 PM

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Muddymitts, how long have you had this yellow NOID planted?

Silk and Honey is Blyth '07 There's only one photo of it in the DG plant files so Husker 11 might like to post her lovely Silk and Honey photo to the plant files.

Boaz, KY

Hi Peg. I just got the rhizome last August, and I planted it right away -- of course.

So -- ten months?

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Muddymitts,
Generally speaking, the longer an iris has been around the bigger the chance that something has gotten mislabeled. I came across this iris in the plant files: Joyce Terry. It has some similarities to your NOID. What do you think?

South Hamilton, MA

Tags are very vulnerable to getting lost. Even our markers get moved around. It is a good idea to make a chart when you plant or add anything. At least it gives you a chance to figure out placement if something goes wrong. Wrong plants from box stores are another problem altogether.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I have joyce terry, but I don't think it looks like the noid. JT is a brighter yellow, the NOID seems more of a lemon color.

Boaz, KY

Sorry for the delay in responding Peg -- have been embroiled in the DG/Cubits brouhaha.

I don't think it's Joyce Terry. I went to Plantfiles and looked at the various photos. Seems like JT's beard is oranger than mine, which is more gold. Also, I don't see the striations on the fall petals like mine. But I appreciate that you took the time to post your thoughts.

This is SO frustrating -- I don't mind having *old* Irises with no ID, but it aggravates me no end to add a new one. :-(

Hope everyone is having a great Holiday!!

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Could it be Yellow Halo?

Boaz, KY

Could be, Frilly -- thanks for the info!

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Pegwesttx, It's not Smiling Gold. It is much too frilly, I have Smiling Gold that came right from Cooley's.

Smiling Gold (R. Ernst 1991)

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi HappyJackMom,
I received this "Smiling Gold" in a DG trade summer of '09. This is a close up of my iris in question.

Thumbnail by Pegwesttx
Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Just to add more options, there is Pioneer Woman listed in the plant files that closely resembles Muddymitts' iris. What do y'all think?

Boaz, KY

Interesting. There is a lot of similarity. The tips of the beards are white, whereas mine are gold all the way to the end. Are there ever any variations of beards on different plants of the same variety?

It tickles me no end that you'all are still trying to figure this out -- umpty-weeks later!! Iris lovers, for sure! :-D

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

It's an interesting iris mystery. Now we can't even agree on what Smiling Gold looks like. Hmmmm......what about the photos on DG?

Lebanon, OR

to be honest there are several on Plantfiles for iris that are not correct according to the AIS checklist...or at least too hard to tell because there are so many iris in the industry now that there are tons of iris with nearly the same colors or markings. But remember that the hybridizers can not see all iris every year...and what they (including me) introduce is different to anything they have say a yellow with white markings there are tons of them...nearly impossible to ID from photo.

What I do when getting ready to line out, is to take about 10 photos all angels, then take 2 of each of the following, standards, styles, falls...that way I can tell better.


Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

i will use this opportunity to add to dee's post, please forgive me if i am out of line.

as dee stated, it's nearly impossible to ID from a picture alone. if a labl is lot and one has a list of plants receives, then it helps to narrow down the possibilities.
i (and i believe most other iris breeders and sellers) discourage naming iris from photos as some will later get traded and add to the mislabeling of plants out in peoples gardens.

while it's not big deal to most home gardeners, if one is hybridizing or sharing pollen with someone who is, it makes a big difference whether a plant is 'smiling gold' , 'yellow halo' or maybe 'harvest of memories'. posting pictures of iris cultivars one isn't sure of (i have seen it in blogs and on some selling sites that 'borrow' pictures) also contributes to more confusion.

it's a really nice yellow one (i love yellows!). most of us who love iris and plants try very hard to discourage identification from pictures and to make sure that cultivars that go out gardeners are true to their name.

once again, please forgive me for jumping on my soap box.

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

You know since you received the iris mislabeled there is a possibility that a seed fell and brought about a beautiful seedling that is something entirely new. Just figured that I'd throw this scenario out. Rather than trying to ID it, I think I would assign this beauty a number of it's own.

Lebanon, OR

Very good suggestion!

Before I began a grower and hybridizer I would get iris from sales, estates, dump etc. Then would give NOID and a number with a brief description...very good for me who wanted mostly back years and years ago to know the color more than the name...LOVED them all and have a few still with no names in my own gardens. Just a tag NOID and the number:)


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

I think it's fun to try and figure out the ID on a NOID! Those of us that have the rhizomes from the original grower/hybridizer should have the correct flower. Now, that being said, lighting and cameras make a lot of difference in the photographs also. Just subtle things like the color of the beards, the width and color of edging, the ruffles and/or frills, plus plant characteristics, the stripes on shoulders, color under the beards and etc should all be clues. Our Smiling Gold has a faint lilac strip below the beard.

Smiling Gold from above ~ 9-14-2010

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Boaz, KY

Also -- the age, condition and location of the plant (and weather conditions) can affect the size and color of the blossoms.

What I do -- when the identity of an Iris is in question -- is try to find out its identity. Then I put that name with a question mark on the plant marker. If I share rhizomes with someone, I pass that information on to them -- "I think this is a Such and Such, but I'm not sure". Someone who is breeding Irises wouldn't take that rhizome. Someone who just loves Irises mostly says "I don't care -- I just love the color", or "I don't care -- I just want to have that Iris in my garden"!!

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Correct Muddy. I also mark any with questions with a label that states that I am not sure.

Lebanon, OR

Thank you both for doing that, as that WILL help to keep a variety true...But the people that just put a name to an iris have caused several to now almost be impossible to have the correct iris, such as Caeser's Brother and Batik


I wish more people would do this and I applaud you both for putting the ???? there.


Boaz, KY


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