Iris don't bloom

Brainerd, MN

There are dozens of Iris in the flowerbeds of this house -- bought five years ago -- and over those five years I would say less than 10% flower. What am I doing wrong... what can I do to get flowers?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Probably need to be dug up & divided, then replanted. They lose vigor when they get crowded. Best to do that after August 1st, although they will transplant any time but you need to keep them watered good.
I am an old Brainerd person by the way. Born & raised there & moved here in 1981.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens

Since the irises won't bloom anyway, you can divide them starting in June or July in your zone to give them time to get establish before winter. Plant them so that the upper part of the rhizome is level or jis ust below the soil line.

Brainerd, MN

thank you folks. Is it safe to assume that by now, if the plant seems to have no bud that none is going to develop this year (wher ethey are)? About how far apart woudl you replant them?

South Hamilton, MA

We grow mainly the smaller irises, but Tall Bearded iris should be planted at least a foot apart. Irises bloom off the increases so they need room to roam. By the end of the 3rd yr. it is time to divide again.

Brainerd, MN

thanks for the advice... I had no idea I have more than Daylilies to divide.

Brainerd, MN

Two more questions...for now :-)

I dug a bunch up but don;t have time to do much with them until the weekend. Anything special I can do to hold them until I can follow your advice?

Are Iris sun lovers or will part sun/part shade work too... some of them don't get all that much sun

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

They will bloom best in full sun, but can take part sun.

South Hamilton, MA

iust put them in the shade, then work like crazy on the weekend.

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