Many buds that didn't open,

Corrales, NM

I have many buds that dried up, both new and old iris plantings. We did have a slight freeze
the first week in May, so I lost some that way, but many I thought were O.K. just DRIED UP.
Do you think it is our weird or nasty weather?? We have had constant winds, no rain, hail,
and NOW 85 degree days, but still wind?? This is my 4th year of growing and adding to my
extensive iris garden (farm) and I have never had this kind of blooming. Can any of you more
experienced gals or guys tell me WHAT is growing on- An intensional pun.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

well I had some that did that too, but dont know why...

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Interested as well. This happened to me with a few buds. It also happened on a few daffodils and tulips.

South Hamilton, MA

That type of thing is usually a matter of the iris buds being blasted by cold. If it is the terminal bud, break it off & cross your fingers for the buds lower on the stalk.

Gainesville, TX

I"ll second that

Kansas City, MO

One nice thing I have noticed when I have had a disappointing year due to weather is that when they bloom the following year it seems they really put on an extra show. It helps make up for it and tempers me now. I was soooo anxious about all the weather ups and downs before. It was robbing the fun of it. I am getting better at that now.


Corrales, NM

Thanks, everyone. It's nice to know I'm possibly not totally to blame and others
have experienced some of the same. I'm hoping that those who didn't bloom and
are re's may give a show in the fall. The one's I do have are so totally gorgeous
and I still have a few that have not opened yet, but will, are past their normal time.
All at once our day temps are 85 and more tomorrow. UGH!

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