Lilium canadense from Neal

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Hey Neal! Remember the seed you collected in KY and generously gave me?
Well last season, hardly any returned, and I couldn't figure a good reason for the result. It turned out that for whatever reason, they decided to "take the year off" and did not kick the bucket. It seemed to do them good, because previously they only produced one leaf; now look!

As soon as the foliage matures, I will plant them (the entire root ball intact) into a larger container. This fall when I plant them in the garden, you are welcome to have some bulbs.

Thanks Neal!

Thumbnail by Leftwood
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Any idea what they are? Interesting foliage ~

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

OMG, that's amazing! That is the coolest thing ever! I had tried some of the seeds too, but it was my first attempt at Lilies from seed, and I was not so good at seed starting in general then, so I got zilch. I ended up losing the plant I had collected the seed from to voles I believe, so I'd be thrilled with a bulb or two this fall! Lilies can be so weird that way, taking a year off. They must have been busy underground to be producing such nice little plants.

I think I sent Inanda some seeds that year too, curious if she had similar experience with them.

Thanks for the progress report and the offer, Rick!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Looks like a cool lily. Neat progress report!

Poland, ME

I'm duly impressed!

North East England, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Well done, that is a very beautiful lily. I like your idea of growing them all on together. Good luck!

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Regarding growing them on for the rest of the season altogether, Many of you have heard of the Minnesota lily breeders, Ruth and Hugh Cocker. They dealt mostly with asiatics, and when their seedlings were ready to put in the field, they would just plant the whole pot of seedlings together (minus the pot, of course). Hugh says that once planted out, the seedlings would pull themselves apart from each other without any human help.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

I do the same thing when I plant them out. It seems that there would be less culture shock so to speak if you disturb them as little as possible too.

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