Is there life in that vermi remains?

Karen, Mt.Pleasant, TX

I had an indoor vermi bin for almost two years but sadly my life became too hectic and I lost all of the worms. Are the eggs still viable? The vermi remains are dry. I'm thinking probably not but just wanted to get a second opinion.

Hey there, those eggs can survive in some pretty harsh situations. If you haven't tossed everything yet, give it all a good soak and a month, and see what happens.
Good luck.

Karen, Mt.Pleasant, TX

I wet the old bedding, added fresh newspaper shreds and mixed with some promising vermi dirt. Added a few new veg peelings plus a moldy bagel for food. Also put it on top of the freezer as it stays pretty warm. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks for you positive input gardenza!

Karen, Mt.Pleasant, TX

just an update, sadly the vermi never revived and I ordered a pound of new worms. And two days later a friend offered free worms...just my luck

Phenix City, AL(Zone 8a)

hello, have you got the worms yet? what kind of indoor bin do you have? always curious to know what works for people.

- jon

Karen, Mt.Pleasant, TX

Yes, I've had the worms tucked into their new bed for about 2 weeks now. They are doing fine and seem to be growing in size and numbers. They did scatter the first few days and tried to climb out but I read recently that they often do that after being shipped. Probably because they think there is a very bad earthquake ;-)

I'm using the Worm-A-Way container developed by Mary Appelhof. The lady who wrote the vermi bible, Worms Eat My Garbage. It has worked well most of the time but if I'd done more research I would have chosen a container that allows the worms to seperate themselves from the vermi. A multi-level type. I forget the brand name.

However, I plan to put a screen on top of the bedding with new bedding and food to entice the worms up and out of the vermi when I get ready to harvest the castings. It will be a few more months though because I only have 1 pound in the bin and it will take a while to break down.

I will try to remember to get back here and give a report when and IF it works.

What type of set up do you have?

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm still enjoying the "pile of dirt (worm castings) behind my garage. I bought a Styrofoam coffee cup with some redworms in it being sold as fishing worms at a rural gas station/store 2 y rs ago. ($2.25) The worms stay happy with the veg. garbage I bury in it. Hundreds of them now. I am amazed that there is never any remnants of last weeks veg. scraps in the Summer. I guess it's a combination compost/vermicompost but I have no bin, just a pile of really good dirt.

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