Help! My hydrangeas are melting

Woodstock Valley, CT(Zone 5b)

So I have these two red leafed hydrangeas (Hydrangea 'Pink Beauty') that bloom pink even in my acid soil. They were on the north side of this gangly burning bush for two seasons and did great. Well I pulled the bush out and put a baby Paperbark Maple there. Now they are in full sun. They were about 1/2 emerged from the ground but now are so fried it literally looks like they are melting (took a pick but left the camera behind). So question is, can I just move them when they have not even fully emerged and are stressed to say the least...or are they just a gonner?


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'd move them now.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Either move them or provide shade somehow.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

My hydrangeas always look wilted when the afternoon sun beats on them, but they recover once they are in shade again. Are yours literally fried or just wilted? Do they perk up by morning? Water them deeply before moving them. I would set the hose on a trickle at the base of the shrub and let it run for several hours. Then once they've perked up a little, move them to a spot where they only get morning sun.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I use the polymer crystals with them too. And for any plants that can't take drying out.

Woodstock Valley, CT(Zone 5b)

They never fully emerged from the soil and the are really fried...not just wilting...I guess I'll try a move next weekend if it is not too late....


New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

I wonder if it's not the sun, but cold? Did you get into the low 30's at night? I had the same thing happen on a couple of of my hydrangea stems - noticed it a day or two after the coldest nights. If that's it, you'll probably get some new growth eventually but moving them may stress them out even more. Can you put some shade cloth over them for a bit and keep them where they are. Move them in the fall if you still think they are not good where they are at?

Woodstock Valley, CT(Zone 5b)

It did hit 30 one night...but they also look kind of I kinda think it is the sun...they are also in the front of a border by my bench so shade cloth might not look too good all season...I will see them again on Sunday and I suppose by then I'll know if they look like they might recover.

I actually have some in another bed I also replaced a burning bush with a tree in and my Penny Mac Hydrangeas are a bit charred on the leaves...but not as bad...


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