Loopy for Lupines

Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

I winter sowed these lupines Feb 2009. My patience has paid off. I'm loving them this year!

Thumbnail by pgt
Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

another pic

Thumbnail by pgt
Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

another :)

Thumbnail by pgt
Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

okay, here's the last picture - I just love these lupines so much!

Thumbnail by pgt
Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Those are gorgeous, pgt! I love lupines, too. They weren't crazy about the clay soil at my old place, but I'm thinking here where I've got a sandy loam they'll probably do just fine. I see them around our neighborhood all the time and I'm green with envy. Time for me to plant some!

Pretoria, South Africa

Absolutely beautiful, as always... I just love your garden.

I so want to grow them, but I came to the conclusion, after many tries, that they need lower temperatures to flower.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

pgt, LUV your Lupines! And to think you wintersowed them yourself! Very impressive.

BTW, since you love lupines so much, do you have children? Have you ever read the children's book "Miss Rumphius"? I just loved to read this book to my kids when they were small: http://www.amazon.com/Miss-Rumphius-Barbara-Cooney/dp/0140505393

I love lupines myself. In part because of this little book. t.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Awesome photos, I guess one needs to live up north to get these beauties to thrive in their garden. I've tried 3 years in a row. You are very fortunate!! Loved the photos, their beautiful!

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

A few years ago, in the spring, we spent a week at the North Shore (Actually west shore of Lake Superior north of Duluth, MN). The hillsides were covered with Lupine. I've never seen anything so beautiful. Thousands on a hillside with a few other wild flower varieties mixed in. There was a huge patch on the property where we were staying, and (with permission) I dug out some for my garden. I now have north shore lupines popping up all over. I love it!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's awesome, You should have taken a photo of it. That was super nice of them to let you dig some up. they must have planted seed or something ha?

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Actually, since their are swathes of them everywhere, in ditches along the highway. open land and parks, I think they self seed . they are in all shades of purple to white with a few pinking added in. I know I took pictures of them....where they are is another matter!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

pgt- Your lupines are just glorious. I love them, great pictures. I have 'discovered' lupines myself this spring when a local nursery had them potted and starting to bloom. I bought a big batch and am just so pleased with how pretty they are.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

How could any flower not love hanging around your property? Knowing that you wintersowed them in 2009 and they are that beautiful this year gives us high hope that we could do the same. Now my wish list for 2011 is starting to get longer than I wanted it to be. I think I'd like to try them. Have always heard that they are picky flowers.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Pam, how many seed pkt. did you sow to get that many lupines? Did you use milk jugs or Grow under lights? Gosh, against your Johnson's Blue(or is that Rozanne?)that color of lupine is just beautiful! Do you recall who sells that color seeds? That wish list for 2011 is getting longer than I wanted it to be. Guess I might have to do some priortizing come January. Let's see what is on it today: Johnson's Blue hardy geraniums, this color lupine, Campanula cluster bellflower, Emerald Blue creeping phlox(might just buy starter plants here)candytuft. That peachleaf bellflower that you have looks appealing to me. Oh, can't forget poppies. I like that Victoria Louise that you have but who can resist those common red ones? Maybe I'l just throw all the seed pkt. in a hat and put a blindfold on and pick. LOL! I love flowers, can you tell?

Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

Pippi, I think that I got the seeds from Swallowtail gardens. I used milk jugs. There are only three lupine plants blooming in my raised bed so far - each plant puts out a lot of flowers. The geranium is Johnson's Blue, and I'd be happy to send you a division in the fall. Just remind me. I'll also try to collect seeds from my lupines if I can stand not to deadhead them. If I do, I'll send you some seeds. Thanks so much for all your compliments! It sounds like your garden is going to be gorgeous!

kitchener, Canada

Elsa123 try putting lupine seeds in the freezer for a few months and then plant them.
Hope this suggestion helps.

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