Ants in the orchids

Madison, AL

For two years I have had the practice of raising orchids in the greenhouse on benches (not on the floor) and bringing them into the house at bloom time to enjoy the blooms. Last summer I put them outside on benches for a healthy summer which produced lots of new growth. Never had a problem with insects - I specifically kept them off the ground to avoid getting pill bugs in the pots. 2 days ago I brought in a pot of Encyclia that has put out 2 bloom spikes after stubbonly refusing to bloom for some time. I was gone most of yesterday. When I started putting supper on the table, I found it crawling with tiny black ants - table, chairs, floor, etc. - apparently coming from that pot! We all pitched in to clean up the infestation - booted the Encyclia back out to the outside benches and worked to assure my visiting family guests that we don't usually eat with ants all over the dining room table. SO - any suggestions how to get them out of the Encyclia pot?
I suppose this was inevitable, but disappointing. Maybe I will have to just stop bringing pots into the house and only enjoy them in the greenhouse, but I don't like that idea. Is this a common problem - ants in the orchid pots?

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

It is a common problem here! Ants seem to find orchid pots an ideal enviroment. If you are into chemicals, they're several on the market (Bayer Ant Control comes to mind), but if you're trying to stay organic, I don't know what works...maybe diatomatious earth, or borax sprinkled on the ground/floor?

Madison, AL

I don't know where anybody got the idea that gardening is a restful hobby - reducing stress. Nature is constantly producing something to contend with - deer, squirrels, RACCOONS, and now ants in the orchid pot. AND, believe it or not, as I was typing this, a tick crawled up on my comptuer screen! AGH! I need a new hobby - maybe knitting.

Madison, AL

I have come to the conclusion that I will have to wait until the Encyclia is finished blooming (outside) and then repot to get rid of the ants. I don't like the idea of drenching one of my orchid pots with ant poison since I am always sticking in a finger to test moist levels. So I will have to mechanically get rid of the ants, I suppose.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Well, the way I see it is that gardening is a lot less stressfull than worrying about the kids, the economy, or politics....

Madison, AL

You are right about that!!

I also put this question on the Orchid Forum and a lady came back with a great suggestion about using water to drive out the ants without destroying them or using pesticides. It sounds like it might work - just takes a few hours to give them time to realize the "creek is rising" and "pack up the kids (eggs)". I am going to try it Saturday - should be interesting. She says they actually are good for orchids in their pots (breaking down potting mix), but not so good in the house on my dining table with the daughter in law (who is a very, very clean girl) staring at all the ants running around looking for the barbeque I have just served on all the plates!

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