'Canned Heat' is quite the cameleon!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

It opened up to maroon/deep rusty color...although it's not nearly as dark as I expected based upon pics at DG PF pics here...which is why I had chosen it...Hmmmm

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

And then it changes to a mauvy pinky color about 2 days later! Now I'm sure the flowers fade as they age, but wow!
Do ya'll think this is Canned Heat???

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Looks like my thread got lots of views and no comments...LOL
Well, this Iris will be going Bye-Bye this August and will be replaced. I don't like it.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)


I also have 'Canned Heat' and absolutely love it! Mine does seem to be darker than yours and i don't think it fades after time either. could be the funky weather or just different soil. I believe that the different soils that people have can alter the colors a bit. Your above photo is beautiful!


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hello Erika,

I'm just disappointed. If I had a much larger garden for Irises I wouldn't be so picky. You are probably right about the weather/soil issue though. It's been miserable here! Temps have barely gotten out of the 40's-50's for days...and rain every other day. I pray the rhyzones don't rot! I haven't even been able to get the rest of my seedlings in the garden yet because our gardens are nothing but mud. And many of the seedlings that had made it in the garden I have to keep covering up wth pots so they don't get pummled from the downpours from severe T-storms. The lack of sunshine has stunted the growth of many plants too :(

This message was edited May 13, 2010 9:15 AM

Blanchard, MI(Zone 5a)

I'd be suspect of it being "Canned Heat" the beards don't seem to match the pics in plantfiles they all have a little tuft of red on the ends yours doesn't.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I know that my pics don't show the deep beautiful red in all the DG PF pics as I was hoping for and the reason why I chose that Iris. I posted the link in my initial post.
Yep, I'm thinking the same thing. I think it was mislabled. I made a chart as I planted them so I knew where I put what. Although I was given a few bonus Irises from my orders last year, i planted all of them in my MIL's garden. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out once the last one blooms this year. That one is the only one that doesn't match my chart I made so far. It shows "Kitty Kay" was supposed to be there on my chart. Now I know that's not 'Kitty Kay'...so I'm wondering if "Kitty Kay" is where "Canned Heat" was supposed to be...the possibilities are many right now...LOL
Glad I made the chart as I planted them!
Either way, this Iris is going...I still don't like it...just want to know what else I might be missing :(

This message was edited May 13, 2010 11:00 AM

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Here's another pic of it with 'In Reverse' on the left...
I definately know now it's not 'Canned Heat'! Big Sad Sigh...

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Well, we "Do" have 'Canned Heat'! It just opened up today. So far, from my chart, all the irises are where they are on my chart but the "mystery" one in all the above pics which was supposed to be 'Kitty Kay'...
I'm still hoping it's amongst the ones that still haven't bloomed and not in my MIL's garden (I shared all the ones I ordered last year with her). It's not that big of a deal I guess. So I'm thinking that the "mystery" Iris is a bonus that was just mislabled with 'Kitty Kay'...oh well...
Here's our 'Canned Heat'...

This message was edited May 22, 2010 10:30 AM

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Susan, you can ship that Iris to me! I think it's beautiful. ^_^


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Sorry to say, but someone already beat you to it ;)

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Oh well, we have too many anyway. ^_^

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