Chickweed everywhere gone to seed!

River Vale, NJ

And my other problem now -- chickweed. We had so much storm damage and downed tree limbs that our spring lawn and garden clean-up was delayed until we could clear the big stuff out.

So as my kids were running around outside, their footsteps were sending up sprays of something. Upon closer look, I saw that the sprays were actually seeds. Chickweed seeds. Flying all around, here and there, everywhere. all over the place!

Oh boy.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Are you sure its chickweed? If the seeds pop and fly around when disturbed it sounds more like hairy bittercress . A picture would be helpful.

River Vale, NJ

Oh my gosh, you're right! That's exactly what it looks like. Not sure why I thought it was chickweed. But absolutely bittercress is the correct one based on pictures and description. Thank you for identifying it (even sans picture... I'll try to get one tomorrow).

Anything I can do to stop this? It's quite prominent throughout my lawn. I'm guessing it's too late, and heaven help me the thought of those seeds spreading everywhere makes me reel.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We had a nasty infestation in many areas of our yard. This spring we started making daily rounds pulling them before they set seed. More seemed to grow up litterly overnight. We kept doing it and now have very few, but we know they will keep germinating , so we patrol every morning. If you can get the ones that are growing and then put down a germination suppressant like corn gluten or Preen (which we haven't resorted to) you can, in time, really make their presence minimal.

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