Bulk Compost in Massachusetts?

Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

I have a good friend who lives in Bolton, MA. She's looking for someone who delivers bulk leaf compost. I've done a little searching online and can't find anyone who sells it at a reasonable price. I found one source, but they were selling it for $46/yd (I get mine in PA for $23/yd). Does anyone know of a good source near my friend. Thanks so much!

Woodstock Valley, CT(Zone 5b)

I have the same issue in CT... used to pay $30/yard for mulch, but about $45 is the cheapest you can get now. So I think in the North East you are kind of stuck. I do get mine from Teddybear farms in Auburn MA in bags for $3.33/bag...so it comes to $27/yard...they also have mixed mulch for like $35...# is 508-832-8739...not sure how close that is to bolton.


Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the info, Miles. I'll tell my friend about the 3.33/bag compost. I can't believe how expensive bulk compost is up there. holy cow.

Woodstock Valley, CT(Zone 5b)

sorry, I'm on crack...that is cedar mulch not leave compost....OY. Long week.

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