Lion Tamer

Livingston, TX(Zone 8b)

The owner of a small circus needed to hire a lion tamer. He advertised for one and two applicants showed up. One was a handsome muscular young man and the other was a lovely young lady. After interviewing the two of them, the owner said, "Well, both of you are well qualified. I guess the best thing to do is let each of you work with the lion and we'll see how you do. Who wants to go in first?"
The girl said, "I will. Is there someplace I can change into my costume?"
"Sure, use my office," said the owner.
She soon came out in a very brief outfit that showed off her drop-dead figure. Without the slightest hesitation she calmly walked into the cage and right up to the lion, which reared up on his hind legs and roared at her. She then whispered something in the beast's ear and he settled down and, purring loudly, started licking the girl from head to toe, while the two men watched, fascinated. The owner was pretty impressed with this and turning to the other applicant, said, "Do you think you can do that?"
"You bet!" he answered. Just get that lion out of there!"

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