Pajonica returns

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Some of you may know that I celebrated the birth of my second son this year, this of course has left me with a hugh hole in my gardening time and of course time to post on DG. I would like you all to know I'm still around and watching all that goes on.
I wish everybody the best in their gardening efforts this year as mine will be severely limited!

I hope to have something to show but doubt I can rival some of the photo's I've seen here but I'm trying in the face of adversity.


Welcome back, Jon, I missed you. Have fun with your children and asagao garden.


PS looking forward to seeing your spotted balsams too!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Jon, hope all is well. Unfortunately sometimes life get in the way of our gardens, I know all to well of that! Hope to see you around!

(Zone 7a)

Wonderful to see you back, Jon, and I hope you'll share any insights or thoughts - am looking forward to hearing how you and your family and any MGs (or mgNOTs) progress through life. Photos are nice, but at least ruminations don't get covered by the griffiti of watermarks IDing photos :)


ps - ditto about life getting in the way - I know we all can identify with that one way or another

pps - spotted balsams? love hoping to get some of PamSue's seeds going in my garden, too

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Missed your posts Jon. Hope you'll be stopping by from
time to time.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - Nice to see you posting on the forum. Enjoy those adorable boys ... they grow up way too fast! You have your priorities straight and a lot on your plate, so don't sweat the small stuff! :-)

I'll enjoy all photos of anything you post. I wish you many blooms from however many grow in your garden! And I look forward to seeing the progress on your home expansion. It's going to be quite an undertaking! :-)

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Thank you one and all! I've got some mgs going and hope to have something to show later as they only just have their first true leaves. We have had the most awful winter and spring, only now is it just beginning to improve. I am going to sow the balsam this week. None of the seed from my pearly gates survived to germinate this year due to some very early frosts I think. hoping for better weather this year but who knows?


szarvas, Hungary


Your children are raised in both languages?
What is your method? You talk to them exclusively in English and your wife in Japanese?

Take a few minutes to order some cultivars this address!
This year, the protocol has changed, but as each year they are late.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Hi Dany, yes they are raised in both languages, no particular method as we both speak English and Japanese at will. Akira who is my eldest at a little over 2 and a half knows all his Japanese words in English too and can count to ten in both!


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Jon, I am glad you are here, can't wait to see your glorys, and I am glad you are having a good time with your children.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I've around 17 varareties of MGs growing in the garden right now but the're just babies, I'm so looking forward to seeing some flowers! This is really my first year trying to grow them apart from the one plant I grew last year.


Thumbnail by Jiny
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I like your set-up Jon. Once they climb the pole, they can reach out to the netting and continue climbing.. They look healthy.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that is an awsome set up, Jon. I like it!


How will you keep the vines separate?


Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Why do I need to keep them separate?

You really do not have to keep them separate if you don't intend to collect sets of seeds that you can have reasonable certainty the progeny will come true to the parental type. Won't the vines after a while grow into each other on the trellis? Perhaps you can keep some isolation through pruning the vines.

Of course you could collect a mix of the 17 types you have growing. That would make life easier.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - Your homemade trellis system for your MGs to grow up looks awesome! It will fill in nicely with the vines once they start really growing!

The reason most of us try to keep the vines somewhat seperated is mainly for seed trading purposes. Most of us prefer to know the cultivar of the seeds we receive in a trade. That way if you are wanting to grow a certain color of flowering vine or variegated leaves or whether it is a climbing, mounding, weeping, or trailing vine is helpful to know when you want to grow MG seeds. Everyone has their preferences ...

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

I have made sure that all the vines are separated by color and each variety clearly labeled, however with no time for hand pollinating I guess I'm in for some surprises. The area I've chosen faces to the west and so gets no direct early morning sun which I hope may make the blooms last a little longer. I'm hoping the vines will completly cover the trelis and hide the ugly trees and wall behind! Had no idea there were mounding and weeping varieties!
What a novice, LOL!!

Thanks all, Jon.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

So am I Jon, Just a Novice that loves morning glorys, and I like your idea of facing west.

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