What would you like to see in food safety legislation?

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

The current legislation being considered is concentrating on fresh produce. So what do you think should be the best approach?

I think labeling of country AND state of origin would be good. Naming the state should help inform the consumer about freshness and carbon footprint.

I went through the Boater's Safety Course with my son and a similar class format held in community centers across the nation concerning safe growing practices would be fairly painless and maybe actually teach somebody something. I seem to remember 3 two hour sessions and it was free. The class could be open to everyone and mandatory for anyone engaged in commerce. We're already paying these "experts".

Change the focus to local and regional sourcing as much as possible. The latest recall of lettuce affects 23 states. Ridiculous. That right there proves the most obvious defect in our food security and all they can think of is to try legislate every little detail around the world.

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