FoxGlove in 7b

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

I read these need part shade to shade in hot areas & wondered if anyone had them in my zone?? Our summers can be brutal. I have one now in mostly sun, but have only had it a few months so can't say much about it other than it is growing. I'm wondering if it will be ok or should I move it to a more shady area. I would like to have several more if I can figure out exactly what they need.

My DD in Columbia grows beautiful foxglove. Her's get much larger than mine. Her's do get some morning sun (which you know can be hot before even noon). Her's do get some afternoon shade and are blooming right now. I'm just not sure about full sun in your zone although they should be done blooming before the really hot weather moves in.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

Cindy ... that makes since. It has been 90º here already & gets hot fast, but has been cooling down off & on for now. I will just wait & see what this one does. I did sow seeds randomly outside in sun & partial shade so hopefully I will get at least one or two happy plants.

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I grew mine here in full sun last year with no problems. I live very close to you. The flood did kill them last week though. They were under water for over 24 hours. :( The flower stalks were huge. I picked them all and made my mom a vase-full before they completely withered from the flood.

Sorry to hear that you were affected by the flooding. It's all so heartbreaking. DD up on a ridge was okay but their 10 year old state highway to town has fallen down the edge of the ridge.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

that is awful! We got some flooding here too but just in a garage. My moms garage was about 5 or 6 inches with water & full of antiques & a 40 year old collection of dolls. Very sad, but we have most of it cleaned up now.

Any tips of starting these from seed?

(Clint) Medina, TN(Zone 7b)

I winter sowed my foxgloves. It's very easy. They are worth waiting for. Definitely.

I sow mine indoors in early spring. I like to get things planted early. They need light to germinate.

Clarksville, MD

Here is yellow foxglove that I grew from seed. It grows in the shade of a large tree and so is mostly in shade.

Thumbnail by rileyobo
Clarksville, MD

Here is another view. It is planted next to columbines.

Thumbnail by rileyobo
Clarksville, MD

These foxgloves were planted from plugs. They get morning light and are planted in the center of a depression in the garden, so they get extra water. They are about twice as tall as the yellow foxgloves.

Thumbnail by rileyobo
Clarksville, MD

A different view. I plant add a dozen or so every year.

Thumbnail by rileyobo

Those are real beauties. Is the yellow foxglove the perennial type (Digitalis ambigua/grandiflora)?

Clarksville, MD

Yes, I think it is perennial foxglove. This is its third year.

My perennial foxglove don't bloom every year. They're way in the back of the property and sometimes get overgrown with native stuff. Plus they're in a really shady area with barely amended clay soil with no supplemental water. I did amend the soil last year somewhat so I'm curious to see if they'll bloom this year.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Can you just plant something in front of it to give it a little shade? I do that with them. If it's in full sun now, maybe stick a few zinnias or marigolds or some other sun lover in front of them to give them part shade. It doesn't need absolute full shade, but some will prevent burning, or possibly killing it.


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