flea beetles on Gaura

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

this isn't the worst problem in the world and apparently flea beetles are specific in their host plants and the little blue/black shiny ones i have love the Gaura. Gaura has been reclassified and is now Oenothera and i found a website dealing with this specific beetle but just for the sake of knowing, has anyone found an organic treatment for getting rid of them? i use castile soap and water for just about everything and it may be killing them but their numbers are many. should i just wait it out?

here's the website i found in case anyone is interested in reading about them. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ipm.ncsu.edu/current_ipm/07PestNews/07News4/Flea%2520beetle%2520Onagraceae5.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ipm.ncsu.edu/current_ipm/07PestNews/07News4/pestnews.html&usg=__tYLgT2-8ITYJZbtKB0zJIo0xl9w=&h=288&w=383&sz=22&hl=en&start=5&itbs=1&tbnid=wJovUHnr8rRllM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflea%2Bbeetles%2Bon%2Bgaura%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi trackin! What's this about Gaura being reclassified as Oenothera? This is news to me. Help me out here....

I had to give up on Gaura because of the aphids. Never had flea beetles...

Have you tried sprinkling the plants with diatomaceous earth?

This message was edited May 15, 2010 10:46 PM

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

hi ceejay, yeah, they've done it to us again!
i've not had any aphids on anything in several years but these flea beetles are on all my Gaura/Oenothera. i didn't even think of d. earth. yes, i'll give that a shot!
thanks, pal.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Can you point me to the change in names? I know they're in the same family, but that would change its genus.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

someone on the id forum corrected me a while back. here's a pf link to one of them showing the former and new name: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/590/

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks much!
Jeesh, I wish they'd quit doing that. Botanists should get another hobby!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, i refuse to learn any more new names. my brain is too full as it is........

Silver City, NM

I have quite a few Gaura growing in a new perennial garden. Recently they looked like they were almost dead and found flea beetle on them. Knowing that they are in the family Oenothera I checked my yellow and pink primroses (also Oenothera) and they were infected too. I sprayed all them. New leaves are popping out on all my Gaura and primrose. No other flowers were effected. I'd grown these plants before in other areas of New Mexico and never had this problem.
Does anyone know a way I can prevent flea beetle without having to resort to chemicals?

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Learn the life cycle of flea beetles. There may be an opportune time to spray that will kill the largest % of the population with the least amount of spray. If they overwinter somewhere, treating that location is probably best. Then there are way fewer to come back and breed up the population.

This is targeted at flea beetles on tomato, but some info may be helpful.

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

I would use Neem oil+ pyrethrins (http://www.planetnatural.com/product/fruit-tree-spray/) alternated with the following concoction: -2 parts rubbing alcohol, -5 parts water, -1 tablespoon liquid soap.

That should nail them.

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