Happy Birthday Emma Grace

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Almost missed your birthday Emma. Hope
you've had a great day.

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Jackie,

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. Yes, had a great day busy with Master Gardener's.

Thanks again,

Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey, Emma - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Happy Birthday, Emma!!

(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday, Emma - wishing you spectacular crosses in the year to come.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Kay, Joseph, and Karen . . .
Thanks so much for the BD wishes.
I appreciate that.


szarvas, Hungary

Happy Birthday,Emma !

Thumbnail by dany12
Gautier, MS

Happy Belated Birthday, Emma! Glad you had a great day. My grand daughters was on the 1st but celebrating here in LA today, and 2 more b-days still for this month.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Dany and Helena for the BD Wishes.

Wow, Dany, Love your MG. Is that one you grew?


szarvas, Hungary

The answer to the question is YES !
But in fact it is Star of India that I watered with a solution of 18 % P2O5 (phosphorus).
I will experiment again this year to see if I got the same results.

Emma, congratulation for that ! http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e99346192

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Your MG is a winner. Good luck with your experiment.
and Thank you re my HIGE Peppermint Twist


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Happy Belated Birthday, Emma... I know it was a good day, right?

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

HI Debra,

Thank you for the BD Greeting, and Yes, I had a super great day.


NW/Central , IL(Zone 5a)

Happy belated birthday, Emma :-)


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Sarah,
I appreciate the BD Wishes


(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Happy Belated Birthday Emma!! (I don't get here to often anymore) Hoping to see lots of your beauties this year!

Edinburg, TX

Rut roh...I missed it. Hope it was a great day for you Emma!!!

~ Cat

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much Ronnie and Cat for the BD wishes.
Yes, I'm in the middle of getting my usual too many MGs growing for the year.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful color Emma. Love the Peppermint Twist too.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Jackie . . .
and Thank You for the compliment on my ‘Peppermint Twist’

I am glad to see that folks in Japan are still enjoying my Morning Glories.
They even like my name ‘Peppermint Twist’ AND they like my photos as well - as you can see with my watermark, which doesn't bother me at all.

Maybe this will further confirm that some folks disbelieved that many of my MG seeds were being sold in Japan prior to my ‘Peppermint Twist’.




Edinburg, TX

Emma...I recall emailing you about seeing morning glories being sold using your photos - gosh that was several years ago if I remember correctly. I recognized them as yours because they were the exact same photos you'd sent me! You'd think they'd at least hand over a cut or trade seeds with you.

~ Cat

ps...did you ever try to create a cross the yellow ipomoea ochracea?

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Cat . . .

Yes, you did let me know about those photos, and Thank You again.
I did do a trade with someone in Japan 3 or so years ago and sent LOTS of my seeds, including many in large quantities that were immediately listed and sold on Yahoo Japan. I didn't mind that this person used my photos, BUT, my MG names were changed and my wm was removed and replaced with the sellers Yahoo Japan name. So, because of this we now have some 'confusion' as to those specific seeds and their origination. Even ‘Jamie Lynn’ name was changed to something else and is today still being sold on Yahoo Japan. So, it is a real fact that some of my seeds have made their way back to the US.
Too much fun, getting seeds From Japan that actually came From Texas!

No, I haven't done anything with crossing the I. ochracea, and don't suppose I ever will. That one will be a challenge. I'll just leave that for Kyushu and others with more knowledge. BTW: your recent photos to the PlantFiles of I. ochracea are unbelievable and absolutely gorgeous


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Cat, Unbelieveable photo's of your ochracea.

Edinburg, TX

That Yellow MG kind of reminds you of Little Shop of Horrors....feed me Seymourrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

The leaves got zapped when we had a freak freeze earlier this year and when I had some yard guys come in to prune the trees and plants back I neglected to tell them to just cut the vines back - they ended up pulling them out of the ground! EEEK!!! I have seedlings from fallen seeds doing well so they should be up and going again by the fall season.

I think it's pretty funny to have your seeds sold in Japan then end up having them sold or traded back into Texas. Glad I haven't had that problem with the Yellow MG.

Even funnier to see that Emma is from Jacksonville, TX and Patootie is from Jacksonville, AR!!!

Any other Jacksonvillers on here?!

Emma...is Jacksonville on the way to Houston from down here south Texas? I usually travel to Houston once to thrice a month. Could've sworn I saw a sign for Jacksonville but usually am so busy on getting from point A to point B that I never take the scenic route. I haven't used google maps to find out either.

~ Cat

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Cat -

No, Jacksonville on the map is straight north of Houston. Drive time 3 hours. We are 25-miles south of Tyler.

You probably go through Victoria and saw a sign for 'Lake Jackson', which is straight south of Houston and not far from the coast.


Edinburg, TX

YAH! Googled it and I mistook it for Lake Jackson :o) Thank Heavens for GPS!!! ROFL!!!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I hope you all are not floating away! I saw where the rain is horrible down there.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Debra,

We have had threats of rain and so far just a few drops, but nothing serious. We need rain bad too!

Maybe Cat is having better luck further south.


Edinburg, TX

No luck here yet...dark clouds and some thunder but no rain. We can sure use it. It's been in the high 90's most days and the humidity level saps all your energy.

Mom called a few minutes ago and said they got .25 inches of rain - they are 55 miles northwest from me - she thought it was more because it was really coming down. Oh well, every little bit helps.

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